Update on Garretson Area Military Members


by Owen Wiese, Post #23

Each year our American Legion Post #23 reaches out to local Veterans and individuals currently or recently serving on Active Duty, National Guard, or Reserves.  We have a very active military community.  Below are some updates on the happenings with various local service members who are known to be currently serving. We apologize if any are missed and encourage them to reach out to Post #23.

Chad Harris is a E9 Chief Master Sargent who has been in the South Dakota Air Guard for 27 years.  His job is supervising security forces for the Air Guard installation in Sioux Falls.  The Air Guard has a large amount of expensive equipment, aircraft, and weapons systems.  Because of on-going security threats, there are significant responsibilities to keep assets and personnel safe.

Brendon Harris is the son of Chad and is following closely in his father’s footsteps.  Brendon is a Staff Sargent E5 and works at the Air Guard in aircraft maintenance.

Brian Siemonsma is currently serving as a Lt. Colonel and is on an extended deployment overseas.

USAF Staff Sargent Sean McPadden recently returned from his second deployment to Qatar while serving in the Air Force.  During the second deployment he was sent to Kandahar, Afghanistan for one month to repair a C-17 aircraft that had been damaged during landing.  The task was difficult and hazardous due to the presence of Taliban forces in the mountains around the base.  After deployment Sean returned to the United States and is considering future career options.

Staff Sargent Meg McPadden was also in the Air Force.  She elected not to re-enlist recently and is now enrolled at the University of Wyoming at Gillette while working for a degree in nursing.  She is under a recall period where she could be brought back to Active Duty for a national emergency.

Staff Sargent John Houg recently completed his active-duty tour in the U.S. Air Force.  He is currently going to school at SDSU and studying aeronautics.  This is a career field with a lot of hiring potential for the future.  John is transferring his American Legion membership to the Brookings Post while attending school there.

1st Lieutenant Sam Powell is a member of the South Dakota Army National Guard and serves as a Platoon Leader in an Engineer unit.  He also serves on the National Guard Honor Guard team for military funerals.

E3 Ben Konechne recently completed his Advanced Individual Training as a truck driver.  He is attending SDSU while taking courses for a degree.  He drills with the Flandreau unit.

Sam Konechne will take his Advanced Individual Training this summer for his skill set as an Army cook.  His training will be in Fort Lee, Virginia.  He will return to drill in Vermillion.

E4 Matthew Hulscher serves in the Army National Guard as a medic and drills in Watertown.  He recently completed a deployment to Eastern Europe.  In the civilian world he serves as a guard at the South Dakota State Penitentiary.

E4 Erin Fink is currently serving as a 4-year member of the 235th MP unit in Sioux Falls.

E3 Jared Grimes is currently receiving his Advance Individual Training in Wisconsin.  He serves in the South Dakota Army National Guard.

Clayton Bonte serves on active duty in the Navy in the field of electronics, technicians, and nuclear power (ETN).  He is assigned to the nuclear submarine USS Boise.  It is currently in Norfolk, VA where his submarine is undergoing an extensive overhaul.

There are many opportunities for young men and women to be a part of the military, and to serve the country.  The benefits are extensive, with worthwhile pay and quick progression in military rank.  The work and career areas are very interesting and in high demand in the civilian world.

The selections of service are large enough to offer opportunities for each person, so they can choose an option that appeals to their goals.  They can choose from the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard, or the newest one – the Space Corps.  We encourage the younger members of the community to sign up for military service and serve proud!

Respectfully submitted,

Owen Wiese

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