Mrs. HV's third grade class had a great time putting together some turkey recipes for you to use this Thanksgiving holiday! We hope you enjoy, as these all sound wonderfully delicious.

Norah's Turkey - Time: 1 hour; Serve: 5
Ingredients: salt, cheese, love, ketchup, ranch, meat, alives, BBQ sauce, oil, stuffing, pepper, Turkey
Instructions: First pre-heat oven to 150°F. After wait 10 min. for the oven to pre-heat. after that put the turkey in the oven for 1 hour. Take the turkey awt of the oven and put the Ingredients with it. - Norah H.
Olivia's Fabulous Turkey - Time: 5 1/2 hrs.; Serve: 7 people
Ingredients: Peper, Salt, Chilly peper, Orange juice, Oven, Olive oil, Butter, Brown sugar, vinigar, water, A LOT OF MILK, Sugar
Instructions: First, pre-heat oven to 450°F. Next, put turkey in oven. Then once it's done, carve turkey into 50 pieces. Also, put all of the ingredients into a seprate bowl. Next you should, pour the ingredients onto the turkey. After that, sit at table. Lastly, Enjoy a lovely Thanksgiving Turkey! - Olivia
Elih's Fabulous - Time: 51 hrs; Serve: 9 people
Ingredients: Peper, salt, oven, olive oil, Green olives, black olives, butter, Brown sugar, water, viniger, chilly peper, A lot of milk
Instructions: frist pre-heat the oven to 450°F. Next put turkey in oven then once it's one carve turkey into a seprate bolwl. Next you sholude pour the ingredients onto the turkey. After that sit a table lastly enjoy a Lovely thanksgiving turkey! - Elih
R.i.p. Turkey's - Time: 13 hr; Serve: 1,234
Ingredients: olives, fish
Instructions: clear the insides of the turkey then put the olives in. put the fish in your done. pre-heat the oven to 123°F for 3 hr - Marty
Wild Turkey - Time: 5 hrs; Serve: 21
Ingredients: Oven, tinfoil pan
Instructions: First, You put the turkey in to thaw a ziploc bag for 3 hrs. Next, You chop up the turkey and put it (preheat oven) in a tinfoil pan. Then, You put it in the oven. Lastly, Serve and enjoy after baking in the oven on 375° for 5 hours. - Madison
The Magnifisent turky - Time: 5 hrs; Serve: 16
Ingredients: pan, pepper, oven, turky
Instructions: First, You get a pan. Next you put the turky on the pan. Then you put it in oven for 5 hours at 900 degrees. Last you take it out put pepper on it thats all you do to cook turky - Rosalea
Super secoret resipe - Time: 0.01; Serve: ∞ people
Ingredients: turky, salt, peper, candy, oven, souces, secoret ingedet
Instructions: first pre heat the oven to 350°F Next take the turky and put in oven then put all the ingret on the turky Lastly take out turky and enjoy The turkey should be in the oven for 5 hours. - Chase J
Alli's BomB turkey - Time: 36 hour; Serve: 12 people
Ingredients: love, turkey, hope, time, spice, wiped cream, kindness, butter, salt, peper, care, happyness
Instructions: Heat oven to 256°F. Get a pan and spice, and a littel milk. Por it in a separate bowl and add some spice in it and mix for 1 minuet. Put salt and peper in the pan and butter. Spred until all over pan and go get the turkey - Allison S.
Faithlynn's turkey - Time: 50 min; Serve: 3
Ingredients: pan, sesining, glazz, salt, love, kechup.
Instructions: First, you get a pan. Then, you put Glazz on. After you should put sesining. Lastly, you cook it 50 min in the oven @ 57°F. Take it out and enjoy. - Faithlynn
Dads resape secrete turkey - Source: My dad; Time: 4 hours; Serve: 19 people
Ingredients: Turkey, peper, salt, secret sauce, Buter
Instructions: First you get a smoker and preheat it for four hours then you put peper and salt and Butter and take off and cut it up and put the secret secret sause on it and eat. - Vinny
Smart turkey - Time: 57; Serve: 2
Ingredients: salt, peper, musterd, wip cream, pickels, turkey, Green beans, saled, samen, fish, meat, letes
Instructions: first you get turky then get salt and peper then cook it for 57 hours. Then set musterd then pickels then green beans and saled and samen and fish and meet, letes and wip cream. - Alex
Turkae - Time: 3:00; Serve: 16
Ingredients: rice, salt, glaze, saled, carrot's, peper, tmadowe
Instructions: First pre-heat oven to 250 Next, take it out of the oven. Then, wait for it to cool off. Latly enjoy it. - Ava
The Conner special - Time: 52 hours; Serve: 26
Ingredients: 25 lb Turkey, Lot of Butter. oven, Pan, Love
Instructions: First, pre-heat oven to 350°F Next, thaw turkey for up to 2 Days. Then, butter turkey and perpare more food. Lasty Grab a knife, and dig in! The turkey will Be in the oven for 3 houers - Conner
The Best Turkey! - Time: 1 hour; Serve: 20 peolp
Ingredients: love, meet, ptatows, oil, heat, sauce, salt, papers, fish, letes, cutecuber, saled
Instructions: Fist, you pre heat the oven to 350°F. Next, you add your ingredients don't for get to add a lot of love. Then, you mix it up and let it sit. Lastly, you take it out and eat it all! - Ellie N.
Wild Turkey - Time: 2 hrs; Serve: 21
Ingredients: salt, pepper, stuffing, butter
Instructions: First you thaw out the turkey and then you put it in the oven at 150°F. And then you wait until the turkey is cooked, 2 hours. Then you put it on any ingredients you want. And when you done with that you eat it. Enjoy!!! - Ingrid
Ethan tirkey - Time: 1.40; Serve: 42 people
Ingredients: sallt, meat, pepper, shooger, woop creme, punkin spise, water
Instructions: First Pre-heat oven to 40°F. Next, add sallt. Then meat. After that you should Lastly, pepper, Sugar, whip craem. Punkinspise. on the turkey. Bake for 1 hour and 40 min. Enjoy. - Ethan
Owen's Rec. - Time: 1 hr 5 min; Serve 149 People
Ingredients: milk, wheat, meat, bbq, hot suice
Instructions: Buy a dead turkey from the store. Then put it in the oven for 1 hr 15 min. Then, take out and get some plates. Then put some turkey on the plates. Enjoy. - Owen B
Super secret resapy - Time: 13 horers; Serve: 10 pepol
Ingredients: Turky, oven, candy
Instructions: First pre heat the oven to 350°F. Next, leave it in the oven for 13 hours Then let it cool down and put the candy on it. Lastly carve your turkey and enjoy. - Harrison
The best - Time: 1 h; Serve: 4
Ingredients: get a turkey pre-heat oven to 350°F oil and stufing.
Instructions: get the turkey put in the oven put oil on it Lastly stuff it. - Van D
Aaaaa turkey - Time: 4 hours; Serve: 15 p
Ingredients: paprika, oil, ornage joss, carit, spinidge, salt, stuffing, hunny, BBQ sauce
Instructions: first, Pot Paprika on first with oil and ornage joss. Pot hunny and salt. Then, cook for 4 hours. After you tack it out of the oven. pot BBQ sauce and carits spinidge. last, hallow out the tirkey and Pot stuffing in the tirkey Bake in oven @ 450°F - Gracynn
Apple crisp - Source: Apple; Time: 19; Serve: Apple
Ingredients: Apple, seNemeN, buter, shuger, froot loops, powter shouger, venela
Instructions: chop up Aple tace sum senenmen powter shouger normol shuger buter froot Loops venela - Cosmo