Monday April 24, 2023 was a very important day for the citizens of Minnehaha County. The Minnehaha County Planning and Zoning Board voted unanimously to protect current and future intelligent land use and development by passing ordinances controlling hazardous CO2 pipelines. The Board, staff and County Commissioner Joe Kippley listened to input from a variety of sources and crafted ordinances that were specific for a type of pipeline that has never been built in SD.
The Board heard testimony from citizens, landowners and representatives from two pipeline companies during a meeting that went until almost midnight. In spite of opposition to any ordinances by the pipeline companies, the Board voted to approve the ordinances and forward them to the County Commissioners for final approval. The Planning and Zoning Board members are to be commended for their persistence and courage in protecting citizens and responsible land use. They deserve a very big thank you from all of us.
A hearing of the ordinances by County Commissioners is scheduled for May 23, 2023 at 9:00 am in the Minnehaha County Administration Building. All citizens are encouraged to attend this groundbreaking meeting.
Kay Burkhart
Arny (Arnold) Erickson