The American Legion Auxiliary opened their meeting on August 3 by meeting with the Legion for opening ceremonies. President, Cheryl, thanked the Legion for helping us financially to send five girls to Girls’ State. Three of the girls’ staters spoke of their good experiences there and expressed their thanks.
Roll call of officers indicated one absent. Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given and approved and placed on file for audit. One thank you was read and there were no bills. Diane sent out a number of cards during the summer.
Treasurer, Kathy, stated that the bakeless bakesale using postcards was a very effective fundraiser.
President, Cheryl, stated that we do not have a membership goal yet but that memberships can be purchased from Linda.
There was a draping of the charter for long time member, Mary Dorsman. President, Cheryl, commented on her fine service and dedication to the auxiliary and as a nurse.
There was some discussion on the State Convention and Cheryl introduced three guests: Joyce Smith, past state president, Roxy Brenden whose husband is a current NEC and Sue Peters from Post 15 in Sioux Falls.
Sue reported that she and a few members had a pick up in the Jesse James Days Parade and they enjoyed passing out flags.
There was a motion by Linda to pay dues for 80 year old members, seconded by Kathy and the motion passed.
Our next meeting is September 7 with our auxiliary serving a potluck. A-K will bring salads, L-Z will bring main dishes, Denise and DaNann will bring bars.
The closing prayer was given by Sue and the door prize was won by Diane.
-Ethel Kurtz, Secretary