Tag: news


News for 1-25-24

With the retirement of Garretson First Bank & Trust Branch President Rod Wolforth, Jason Long will be taking up the reins, and we get...

News for 1-18-24

The giving spirit is high in Garretson, and Garretson High School students are no exception; First Bank & Trust Garretson Branch President Rod Wolforth...

News for 1-11-24

Members of the Lions Club in Brandon are exploring whether a branch could be started in Garretson; parks were at the top of the...

News for 1-4-24

Happy New Year! Long-time postmaster Deb Nelson has retired; Garretson received a large grant towards reconstruction of 4th Street; Minnehaha County department heads received...

News for 12-21-23

Merry Christmas! In our annual Christmas issue, we intercepted the letters that Garretson Elementary second graders wrote to Santa before sending them off to...

News for 12-14-23

Hometown Christmas was a success this past Saturday, as Garretson's Santa hit a 46-year milestone; the school board formed a committee consisting of both...