Tag: minnehaha county


Commission goes after county treasurer for lack of bank statement reconciliation reports

Tensions were high during the Tuesday, Aug. 6, Minnehaha County Commission meeting when commissioners confronted county treasurer Pam Nelson about the lack of reconciled bank statements and monthly reports.

‘The Equalizer’ can help citizens with assessment woes

Since a vast majority of people pay their property taxes through home mortgage escrow, much work done by a county office of equalization truly goes on “behind the scenes.”

Garretson man tries to get commission to abate his 2018 property tax bill

By Dave Baumeister, County correspondent SIOUX FALLS – From the looks of their agenda, it seemed the Minnehaha County Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 9 would...

From the Desk of Commissioner Dean Karsky

Since May, Minnehaha County has been in the budget process. The Commission believes it is important for the public to understand how Commissioners create...

County received $1 million from feds for infrastructure

By Dave Baumeister, county correspondent SIOUX FALLS – An unexpected windfall from the federal government for county infrastructure improvement will be adding over $1 million to...

Minnehaha County commission OK’s $6.5 million tax opt-out . . .

By Dave Baumeister, County correspondent SIOUX FALLS – With all members referring to the large increase in money spent on law enforcement, the Minnehaha County Commission...