Tag: minnehaha county


From the Desk of Commissioner Gerald Beninga

            As 2023 marches on, the W.H. Lyon Fairground Taskforce continues to work towards its purpose of reviewing and establishing a vision for the...

Commissioners vote for $50 million tax increase to replace aging county juvenile detention facility

By Dave Baumeister County Correspondent             SIOUX FALLS – This week, the Minnehaha County Commission voted unanimously to possibly issue $50 million in bonds to rebuild...

Valley Springs Fire Chief says the only response he can make at present to a CO2 pipeline leak is to bring body-bags

by Garrick Moritz, Gazette             Usually, because of time and staff constraints, the Gazette staff isn’t able to attend County Planning and Zoning meetings. However,...

Public comments make up majority of short commission meeting last week

By Dave Baumeister county correspondent             SIOUX FALLS – Public comment concerning the Summit Carbon Solutions CO2 pipeline took the most time at the Tuesday, Jan....

Minnehaha County Commissioners re-organize for 2023; Auditor-elect Anderson wants more $

By Dave Baumeister, County Correspondent, with additions from Gazette Editor G. Moritz             SIOUX FALLS – Unlike the silliness in the US House of Representatives,...

Commission to lose almost three decades of experience as Barth, Heiberger step down

By Dave Baumeister County Correspondent             As another year begins, changes can often be seen, but  2023 will begin with a huge change for Minnehaha County....