Tag: minnehaha county


FAN presents findings, recommendations to Minnehaha County Commissioners this week

By Dave Baumeister County Correspondent          SIOUX FALLS – This week, Bob Thimjon, the chairman of the county’s Financial Action Network presented Minnehaha County Commissioners with...

From the Desk of Commissioner Dean Karsky:

            County governments serve a unique role in the infrastructure of South Dakota local government. Where the State is the body, counties serve as...

After much opposing testimony commission blocks new development near Crooks

By Dave Baumeister County Correspondent             SIOUX FALLS – While a few people stayed to make random comments, at the end of a marathon Minnehaha County...

Five citizens address county before letter sent to Public Utilities Commission

By Dave Baumeister County Correspondent             SIOUX FALLS – This week, five local residents took issue with a letter Minnehaha County Commissioners wrote for the South...

Minnehaha County JDC employees save two lives in attempted suicides last week

By Dave Baumeister County Correspondent             SIOUX FALLS – Jamie Gravett of the Minnehaha County Juvenile Detention Center opened the Tuesday, March 7, county commission meeting...

County denies beer/wine licenses, puts medical cannabis dispensary in doubt

By Dave Baumeister County Correspondent             SIOUX FALLS – Minnehaha County Commissioners denied three beer/wine licenses to Triple J, Inc. after the matter had been deferred...