Tag: letters to santa


Intercepted Santa Letters! (Part Two)

Last week Tuesday, a strange sight occurred- running down Main, holding a pack of papers, was Jinx the elf. He had gotten lost on...

Intercepted Santa Letters!

A little elf at the Garretson Elementary School was able to sneak away some "Dear Santa" letters from Mrs. Bass' second grade classroom earlier...

Santa’s Elves share what Garretson students want for Christmas, Nintendo tops the list

Dear Santa,             Can I have a Lanky box big mystry box? Can I have rideabel unicorn toy? What is snow made of? how does...

Letters to Santa

Ms. Lentz' class Dear Santa,             I want for Christmas air pods, a puppy, and a English saddle. I want to move to Iowa, new fidgets,...

Letters to Santa by Garretson 2nd Graders

Ms. Neugebauer’s 2nd Grade Letters to Santa Dear Santa How are you? Im in 2th Grade I love love Christmas. I get to dress up next week....

Letters to Santa

To: Santa From Daisy, age 8 Dear Santa, I have been good Something good I did this year was I drid the dishis all by myself. I got...