Tag: letter to the editor


Letter to the Editor, concerning Health and Human Services

            My name is Tom Holmes, candidate for the Minnehaha County Commission.  To help me prepare for that role i have attended county commission...

Letter to the Editor:  Elected Positions and Equalization

            My name is Tom Holmes and I am a candidate for the Minnehaha County Commission.  To help prepare me for that role I...

Letter to the Editor:

Dear Editor,             Approximately half of the kids who end up in our County Juvenile Detention Center are prescribed medication for their mental health. All...

Letter to the Editor:

            If you're anything like me you hate paying a penny more in taxes than you absolutely have to. What's worse is when you...

Letter to the Editor: How passing Amendment D could actually save taxpayer dollars

            There are currently tens of thousands in SD that have jobs but do not make enough money to afford health insurance. When people...

Letter to the Editor:

            Eminent Domain should be reserved for public utilities and public infrastructure such as new highways and bridges that benefit all. Summit Pipeline is...