Tag: history


Amanda Schotzko explores her Korean heritage

By Carrie Moritz, Gazette As far as Amanda Schotzko knew, she was given up for adoption because her birth mother couldn't afford to keep her....

Once a hospital, now a Garretson home

by Jill Meier, Brandon Valley Journal Addendum below             When Brandon Schweitzer purchased a massive house in 2016 that was once a hospital in Garretson, he was...

A blast from the past, from the corner of 4th St. and Main Ave., 1916 to now

            Pertinent History: With Big Ern's Sports Cabin changing hands, we thought it would be good to look back at the history of one...

The Legend and Lore of Devil’s Gulch

by Wayne Fanebust for the Feb. issue of Etc. Magazine             Devil's Gulch is a quartzite rock chasm located in eastern Minnehaha County, near the town...


Retold by Marty Luebke             My guess is that not too many of our readers will recognize the above photo.  Perhaps that is because this...

624 Main Ave: A “Treasure” to Behold

by Owen & Lois Wiese The History of 624 Main Ave, Garretson             The Treasure Chest store, and its predecessors, have a long history considering the...