Tag: garretson school


Fourth Grade Wax Museum a big hit among parents, grandparents, classmates

            On Wednesday, March 15, Garretson Elementary 4th graders held their annual wax museum exhibit, portraying historical figures such as Rosa Parks, Stan Lee,...

Opt out Election March 21, classes will run to May 25th to make up snow days

by Garrick Moritz, Gazette             The Garretson School held their regular monthly meeting on March 13, and the most heated discussion was about whether to...

Garretson students celebrate reading

            Read Across America Day is a national effort to encourage school children to read, promoted by the National Education Association.             Often tied in...

Hard questions and fellowship at the Opt Out public meeting

by Carrie Moritz, Gazette             Whether or not the Garretson School District implements an opt out for next year rests in the hands of the...

2023 FFA Week a Success

FFA events mostly got canceled last week because of the storm, but the FFA breakfast went on as scheduled on Saturday and the FFA...

Hard questions and fellowship at the Opt Out public meeting (e-edition)

by Carrie Moritz, Gazette             Whether or not the Garretson School District implements an opt out for next year rests in the hands of the...