Tag: Garretson FFA


2023 FFA Week a Success

FFA events mostly got canceled last week because of the storm, but the FFA breakfast went on as scheduled on Saturday and the FFA...

National FFA Week February 18-25

            The 95 chapters that make up the South Dakota FFA (SD FFA) will celebrate National FFA Week February 18-25, 2023. It’s a time...

FFA Projects in the works

            The Ag Structures class has been busy this fall: they constructed fall themed carnival games that will be at the Garretson Trunk or...

Members Prepare to Shine at the National FFA Convention

            South Dakota FFA members and teams are actively preparing to represent at the national level. Most of these individuals and teams have already...

FFA Member Success at State Fair

            Members of the South Dakota FFA participated in a wide range of educational activities during the 2021 South Dakota State Fair held September...

2022 FFA Week a success

            Last week was FFA Week, a designated time to celebrate future farmers. The Garretson FFA utilizes this time to educate their fellow students...