Tag: farmers


Call it Anything You Want . . . Just Not Meat

Submitted by Karla Hofhenke, SDFU Executive Director   HURON, S.D. - COOL is the reason Gregory cattleman Brett Kenzy joined S.D. Farmers Union (SDFU). “SDFU is a...

No One Turned Off the Tap: 2019 Wettest on Record

by Lura Roti, for S.D. Farmers Union Based on 125 years of South Dakota weather data, 2019 is the wettest on record, says SDSU Extension...

Senators Thune and Rounds express support for Beef Integrity Act

It’s no secret that family farms have been suffering in the past few years. Between flooding, questionable executive decisions by the current Administration involving tariffs,...

South Dakota Family Farmers & Ranchers Visit with USDA Officials in D.C.

HURON, S.D. - More than 30 South Dakota farmers and ranchers met with U.S. Department of Agriculture officials in D.C. today as part of...