Tag: economic development


City talks second lift station, tourism plans and street dancing

by Carrie Moritz, Gazette             On Monday, the Garretson City Council met in regular session, with much of the meeting being informational in nature. The...

After much opposing testimony commission blocks new development near Crooks

By Dave Baumeister County Correspondent             SIOUX FALLS – While a few people stayed to make random comments, at the end of a marathon Minnehaha County...

Pool Fees to increase, SMGA proposes new hire

by Carrie Moritz, Gazette             The Garretson City Council's regular monthly meeting was on Monday, March 14. There, they fielded requests from the pool, fire...

Regional Economic Development Champion: Kris Frerk

a portion of this article is republished  from SiouxFalls.Business with additions from the Gazette Staff             On Wednesday, February 16, Kris Frerk was presented with...

Open house Dec. 19 for new premium downtown apartments

by Garrick Moritz, Editor This Saturday, Dec. 19, Norm DeWitt will be hosting an open house to showcase the new apartments on Main Ave. from...

Downtown redevelopment, business expansion, destination events help grow Garretson (Preview)

This story is reprinted with permission from the Minnehaha County Economic Development Association. There’s a lot of history in Garretson, and Norm deWit is doing his...