Tag: dean's list


Local students on Deans Lists for Fall of 2024

University of Sioux Falls Fall 2024 Dean's List SIOUX FALLS, SD (12/20/2024)-- The University of Sioux Falls congratulates 550 students who made the Fall 2024...

Local students on college Dean’s Lists, graduation celebrations

Garretson student graduates from Northwestern College             ORANGE CITY, Iowa—Nadalie Johnson of Garretson was among 252 graduates to receive bachelor’s degrees at Northwestern College during commencement...

Garretson Area Students on the Dean’s/Presidents lists across the region

                  Congratulations to the following college students from the Garretson area who made the Fall 2023 Dean's and President's Lists! (This list is not...

Local Students Named to Deans lists and academic honors

Local Students Named to USF Spring 2023 Dean's List             SIOUX FALLS, SD - The University of Sioux Falls congratulates more than 550 students who...

Deans and Honors Lists for Spring 2022:

            Several Garretson High School graduates or college students who listed their residence as Garretson or Sherman from the following schools were named to...

Dean’s List for Fall 2021 Semester

            The following graduates of Garretson High School have made the Dean's List for their respective schools for the Fall 2021 semester. To make...