Tag: article


Big plans for a big future at Palisades State Park

Former Gov. Daugaard puts vocal and monetary support to the development project! Garrick A. Moritz, Garretson Gazette editor The South Dakota Game Fish and Parks (SDGFP)...

Moving Day for Blue Dragon Academy Coming Soon

by Kris Frerk, BDA Board The Blue Dragon Academy moving day is approaching in the near future. The walls are currently being painted. After that...

Moving Day for Blue Dragon Academy Coming Soon Part 2

(Continued from front) As you can see, these items will be great enhancements for the children. We also have pictures of these items if you...

Unwelcome Late Season Storm Causes Power Loss and Delays

High winds, freezing rain, sleet and then snow in a late season storm resulted in Garretson area residents losing power, canceling school and activities...

Al Thomas, A Cold Case Solved

by Marty Luebke, Post 23 Member Our American Legion Post 23 will have a 100 year celebration on July 6th 2019. It was just 50...

Flooding Impacts Community and Surrounding Area

Minnehaha County Director of Emergency Management Jason Gearman explains a map of how the Big Sioux River will flood near Dell Rapids and explains...