Educational funding for public schools in South Dakota is governed by state law. Specifically, Section 13-13-10.1(5) of the South Dakota Codified Laws outlines how annual funding increases are determined:
The “Index factor” is the annual percentage change in the consumer price index (CPI-W) for urban wage earners and clerical workers, as computed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. State law requires public schools receive an increase of funding equal to CPI-W or three percent, whichever is less.
This year’s proposed increase in funding falls far short of the statutory requirement.
While exceptions have occurred when funding levels were adjusted based on state revenue, the proposed 1.25 percent increase in state aid for education is well below the CPI-W, which is currently positioned at approximately 3.25 percent. According to the law, education funding should increase by 3 percent this year to match inflation.
The Governor’s proposed increase of 1.25 percent amounts to a $12.8 million increase in funding for public schools. However, funding public education at the full 3 percent mandated by law would require an increase of approximately $30 million dollars of ongoing funding.
An increase at that level is a much-needed adjustment to ensure our public-school teachers pay is competitive with our area states and to keep up with rising costs.
The Governor’s proposal becomes even more troubling when juxtaposed with plans to create a new voucher program, which would allocate $4 million to fund $3,000 vouchers for selected students to attend private schools or be homeschooled. At a time when our public education system is struggling to keep up with inflationary costs and enhance the already quality education they are providing, diverting funds to an entirely new and unproven program is a misguided use of resources.
Public schools serve more than 80 percent of South Dakota’s students and are overseen by elected officials who ensure accountability and equity in every community. Rather than diverting $4 million to private interests, our legislators should direct these funds to strengthen the public education system that has long been the foundation of our state’s success.
Let’s not chase a shiny new object at the expense of the system that educates the majority of our children. Contact your legislators and urge them to prioritize funding public education as required by law. Supporting public schools means supporting our communities, our economy, and our shared future.
For more information contact:
Associated School Boards of South Dakota - Heath Larson, Executive Director, 605.222.6043
South Dakota Education Association - Ryan Rolfs, Executive Director, 605.222.4291
School Administrators of South Dakota - Rob Monson, Executive Director, 605.505.0556
South Dakota Unified School Districts - Mitch Richter, Executive Director, 605.360.1370
Large School Group - Dianna Miller, Executive Director, 605.360.8108