BROOKINGS, S.D. - Aug. 19, 2020 - South Dakota State University officials and the 2020 Hobo Day Committee continued to meet over the summer and explore options as pertaining to this year’s Hobo Day celebration. Hobo Day is one of SDSU’s oldest and most beloved traditions, and the Hobo Day Committee is committed to providing programming this fall that recognizes and honors many of the traditions our students, alumni and others embrace each year. The committee is also exploring new ways to celebrate Hobo Day this year that will provide opportunities for everyone to engage in the tradition. Any Hobo Day activity will be conducted with the health and safety of everyone involved at the forefront.
Through many conversations and planning meetings with university officials and other stakeholders, the committee recognized not having a fall football season at SDSU was a distinct possibility. As plans and information progressed, the Hobo Day Committee understood hosting the annual Hobo Day parade would create logistical challenges and significant health and safety concerns for attendees in the midst of a global pandemic. As people are paramount to the celebration of Hobo Day, the decision was made not to hold the annual Hobo Day parade this fall.
These are challenging times, and the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the lives of everyone. The spirit of Hobo Day, however, is one thing that will remain intact. The committee will continue to foster celebration around this beloved tradition in new ways. Together, we will honor the homecoming event and look forward to the day when we resume many of the events that are dear to Jackrabbit Nation and send the parade and all its fanfare through the streets of Brookings.