By Dana Hess
For the S.D. NewsMedia Association
PIERRE — The board of directors of the South Dakota High School Activities Association will have quite a turnover this year as four of the positions on the nine-member board will be up for election.
Member schools will be able to make nominations for those board positions at the association’s annual meeting on April 23. Seven positions on the board rotate among superintendents, high school principals and activities directors. Nominees must receive a majority of the votes cast. In the event no candidate receives a majority, a run-off election is held between the two candidates who have the highest vote totals.
Three board members are at the end of five-year terms. They include:
•Current board chairman Marty Weismantel of Groton. He is the school board of education representative for small schools.
•Division I Representative Ryan Rollinger of Harrisburg. Division I includes schools in Harrisburg, Sioux Falls and Rapid City. Nominees for this position must be activities directors.
•East River At Large Representative Trent Osborne of Ipswich. The next representative must be a high school principal.
At its meeting on Wednesday, the board accepted the resignation of Adam Shaw of Madison, the Division III representative. A high school principal at Madison, Shaw has accepted a position as superintendent and elementary principal at the Marion School District. The high school principal elected to replace Shaw will serve a three-year term.