School board swears in Hulscher, gets prepped to start for the year


By G. Moritz, editor

football team laying mulch
Friday evening the Garretson Blue Dragon football team helped Joe and Rusty Vandersnick level the new wood chips on the school playground. “It is good to have community service as an activity for the players and for the team to view community supporters, Vandersnick’s, who donated their time as well”, said coach Weiland. The football squad has a few practices under their belt and will host a Jamboree on Saturday August 13 versus Coleman-Egan and Arlington with an 8:00 AM start time. -Photo submitted by Coach Jerry Weiland

            The Garretson School Board met in regular session on August 8th. The meeting began with Andy Hulscher being sworn in as the newest board member by business manager Jacob Schweitzer.

            That done, the board approved a number of items on their consent agenda. Of note was an increase of pay for Angie Bly as she had completed more graduate course work this summer. Schweitzer told the board that several other teachers had done the same and to expect similar resolutions at the next meeting and an adjustment in the school’s proposed budget accordingly.

            Also, of note was that Alyxa Hoefert had resigned as assistant soccer coach and was replaced by new hire Jill Whalen. All those contract modifications were approved.

            The only item of old business was to again review the proposed budget for 2022-23. There were several more changes reflected in the latest version, but nothing shocking or unexpected. They will give the board one more month to examine or propose changes and approve the budget in their September meeting.

            In new business, the board approved a renewal of the comprehensive plan for special education to comply with state and federal requirements. The board also agreed to undergo board training from the ASBSD trainer. Board president Nordstrom said that these workshops are good not just for new board members, but for longer serving members like himself as it helps him stay abreast of the latest laws and regulations. Typically, the training will be 2-3 hours of discussion and the board will send potential dates and conflicts to Superintendent Guy Johnson and set that meeting up within the next month.

            In an effort to making open enrolling into the Garretson School District easier, Supt. Johnson, Schweitzer and tech coordinator Matt Schrank, put the necessary forms on the school’s website.

2022-23 school board
The Garretson School Board for 2022-23. Jodi Gloe, Tana Clark, Andy Hulscher, Shannon Nordstrom and Kari Flanagan. (picture submitted)

            “In the past we usually wait for a parents or students to contact us directly and then begin the process,” said Supt. Johnson. “But after receiving several requests for it, we decided that, yes it would be very convenient for people to be able to start the process online. It’s up and already getting traction.”

            The board also approved an increase in adult lunch prices, moving it up to $4.85.

            Earlier in the meeting, when the board was talking about setting a date for their training session, new board member Jodi Gloe had joked that she had a wide-open schedule. She paid for that, in that board President Nordstrom asked her if she would be willing fill the open spot as the Garretson School Board representative on the Prairie Lakes Cooperative. She agreed to do it.

            Both new principals attended the meeting, and Supt. Johnson gave an update on the teacher in-service planned as well as an update on the marvelous job the custodial staff is doing. Supt. Johnson was extremely complementary on the work of the new head custodian Melissa Jensen, saying that the custodians were tackling not only the regular cleaning and maintenance, but hard jobs and long-term maintenance projects that have been on the back burner for some time. Johnson said that he has been continuously impressed by her skill and drive over the summer months.

            Supt. Johnson and the board also wanted to officially thank the football team for helping with the finishing touches of the new playground equipment this past Friday. After a full day of practice with their coach Jerry Weiland, the coach sent the team down with shovels in hand to help put the finishing touches on the new playground mulch turf, something that Johnson said the team can take pride in.

            The new playground equipment was purchased by the Garretson PTO with grant money from the Prairie Rose wind cooperative.

            Soccer has already begun, sports are gearing up and Supt. Johnson said that he’s ready and excited to get the year started.

            New board member Tana Clark arrived on time for the start of the meeting, but asked the board at large if 5:45 p.m. as a start time was part of the initial annual resolutions that they had voted for.

            Nordstrom responded that indeed, that was the case. Clark asked if that could be changed, as that could prove difficult for her.

            Nordstrom said that the board could of course discuss it at another meeting, though he was in favor of leaving it as is.

            The board did have an executive session to talk about personnel.

            Clark had asked about this as well, wondering about the status of their Special Education Teacher and the results from the State Department of Education. Supt. Johnson said that they could discuss it during the executive.

            When the board left executive session, they made no other motion than adjournment.

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