by Morgan Swenson, GHS Blue Ink
Owner Rachel Hanisch of the greenhouse here in Garretson was asked a few questions about her small business and it’s re-return this spring.
Q: What made you decide to reopen for a second year?
A: A couple of reasons I wanted to reopen; last year went well, even when you consider we were just getting started in the pandemic. The community really came out to support me and I had a wonderful time being at the greenhouse. This year we are planning on opening May 1st.
Q: Are you only seasonal?
A: Yes. Every year my plan is to only open when the weather consistently starts to warm up. So I’m thinking about the last week of April. I will stay open until everyone has their gardens planted and their pots under way. I plan on closing down again for the rest of the year. So approximately end of April to mid- to end of June. Although this year I will also have some perennials, which can be planted all summer. I will still probably be closing near the end of June.
Q: Where are you located?
A: Art and Marie Nordstom have graciously allowed me to set up shop in their parking lot, which is on the corner of Dows Street and Highway 11.
Q: What are some of the reasons you decided you wanted to open up a business?
A: I didn't know I wanted to until last year, I was thinking that I would like to have. I thought it would be a good opportunity for my kids to have a summer job and for the community of Garretson to have somewhere local they could get their flowers, vegetable plants and perennials.
Q: Why should people go to you and not somewhere else?
A: Well that is a good question. I receive my plants from Mensch's Greenhouse in Avon, South Dakota. They have been in the business for 70 years and do a wonderful job with their plants. They are healthy, hardy and never send me anything that looks bad. That can't be said for bigger box stores.
Q: Is this your only building or do you have others?
A: This is my only greenhouse, but I'm not opposed to setting up others.