Public Notices published October 3, 2024


  • Minutes of the Minnehaha County Commissioners for Sept. 24, 2024
  • Notice of Hearing: for Adult Name Change
  • Notice of Hearing: for Adult Name Change
  • Notice of Hearing: for Adult Name Change

Minutes of the Minnehaha County Commissioners for Sept. 24, 2024

            THE MINNEHAHA COUNTY COMMISSION CONVENED AT 9:00 AM on September 24, 2024, pursuant to adjournment on September 10, 2024. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT WERE: Bender, Beninga, Bleyenberg, Karsky, and Kippley.  Also present were Kym Christiansen, Commission Recorder, and Eric Bogue, Chief Civil Deputy State's Attorney.

            Chair Karsky called the meeting to order.

            Chair Karsky presented Maggie Garry, Minnehaha County Safety Committee Member, and Steve Groen, Highway Superintendent, with the Gold Level and Platinum Level Loss Control/Safety Achievement Award on behalf of the South Dakota Workers' Compensation Fund and the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance, in recognition of outstanding loss control ratios in Workers' Compensation and various liability insurance plans.

            MOTION by Beninga, seconded by Kippley, to Amend the Agenda by Moving Item 18-Consider a Motion to Adopt the FY2025 Budget for Minnehaha County to Immediately Following Item 8-Public Hearing and Second Reading on Rezoning Request #24-01 from R-1 Residential District to C Commercial District on the Property Legally Described as Lot 2 Hatle Addition in the Town of Lyons in Section 17-T103N-R50W. 5 ayes.

            MOTION by Kippley, seconded by Beninga, to Approve the Agenda as Amended. 5 ayes


            MOTION by Kippley, seconded by Bleyenberg to Approve the Consent Agenda. By roll call vote: 5 ayes. The consent agenda includes the following items:

            Commission Meeting Minutes for September 10, 2024

            Bills to be Paid $8,065,636.71

            3200 RUSSELL LLC Motels $1163, A&B BUSINESS SOLUT Maintenance Contracts $740.62, AARON GEORGE PROPERT Welfare Rent $1400, ACCREDITATION AUDIT Subscriptions $150, ACTIVE DATA SYSTEMS Records Storage $2000, AIRGAS USA LLC Gas Oil & Diesel $212.42, AIRGAS USA LLC Lease-Rental Agreement $106.12, AIRWAY SERVICE INC Automotive/Small Equipment $2666.92, AIRWAY SERVICE INC Gas Oil & Diesel $379.79, ALCOHOL MONITORING S Electronic Monitoring $1238.4, ALCOHOL MONITORING S Program Supplies $2635.5, ALL NATIONS INTERPRE Interpreters $5612.55, AMERICAN INK LLC Uniform Allowance $68.1, ANDERSON, AUBREY Business Travel $240, ANDERSON, JENNIFER Bd Evaluations (Minnehaha) $1714.14, ANDERSON, RYAN ENTER Building Repairs & Maintenance $69, ANDREY SKOTS Business Travel $224, ANGEL, EDWARD P Attorney Fees $1095.5, ARCHITECTURE INC Architect, Engineers, and PMgt $66937.17, ARMSTRONG FORENSIC Expert Witness Fees & Expenses $220, ASH LAW OFFICE PLLC Child Defense Attorney $4432.63, AUTOMATIC BUILDING C Coliseum $370, AUTOMATIC BUILDING C HHS Maintenance $342.75, AVERA HEALTH PLANS I Insurance Admin Fee $3293.42, AVERA MCKENNAN Hospitals $13610, AVERA MCKENNAN Other Medical Services $244.28, AVERA MCKENNAN Professional Services $1153.67, BALOUN LAW PC Child Defense Attorney $3689.2, BANCROFT PLACE Welfare Rent $877, BANGS,MCCULLEN,BUTLE Attorney Fees $8363.95, BECK, JEFFREY R Attorney Fees $144.5, BEN BAXA Extradition & Evidence $112, BICKMAN, TRISTAN EMI Professional Services $6000, BRANDON CITY Welfare Utilities $244.05, BUILDERS SUPPLY COMP Building Repairs & Maintenance $54.7, BULLIS, MATTHEW Investigators Expenses $150.65, BURNS, JASON Investigators Expenses $216.15, C & R SUPPLY INC Trucks/Tractors/Trailers $73500, CANFIELD BUSINESS IN Furniture & Office Equipment $2282.39, CARPENTER, DONOVAN Chemicals $34.18, CARROLL INSTITUTE Professional Services $2000, CDW GOVERNMENT Data Processing Supplies $166, CENTER FOR FAMILY ME Professional Services $1703.55, CENTURY BUSINESS PRO Lease Principal $719.04, CENTURY BUSINESS PRO Lease-Rental Agreement $189.52, CENTURY BUSINESS PRO Maintenance Contracts $601.31, CENTURYLINK Data Communications $682.29, CENTURYLINK LONG DIS Telephone $25.74, CERTIFIED LANGUAGES Interpreters $156.75, CHAGOLLA, ALBERT Interpreters $213, CHAKS LLC Welfare Rent $1141.67, CHARMTEX INC School Lunch Program $384.9, CHEMDRY OF SIOUX FAL Building Repairs & Maintenance $317.8, CHRIS BRYAN Taxable Meal Allowances $20, CINTAS CORPORATION Janitorial Chemical Supplies $168.7, CINTAS CORPORATION Uniform Allowance $151.45, CNC FOOD FACTORY LLC MacArthur SJC Grant $192.28, CODY SCHMOYER Business Travel $196, COMPUTER FORENSIC RE Professional Services $10650, COREY DEGROOT Other Repairs $610, DAKOTA EMBALMING & T Transportation $170, DAKOTA FLUID POWER I Truck Repairs & Maintenance $250, DANIEL, JEREMY Professional Services $987.5, DATA SYSTEMS INC Office Supplies $227, DEANS DISTRIBUTING Gas Oil & Diesel $570.95, DECASTRO LAW OFFICE Attorney Fees $2771.5, DENNIS SUPPLY CO SF Jail Repairs & Maintenance $231.3, DERHAGOPIAN LAW PROF Attorney Fees $391, DIAMOND R ENTERPRISE Professional Services $593.39, DOYLE, BETSY R Business Travel $169.24, DUST TEX SERVICE INC Janitorial Chemical Supplies $42.9, EDMUNDS BRAKE & ALIG Automotive/Small Equipment $84.95, EICH LAW OFFICE LLC Attorney Fees $874, ELECTION SYSTEMS & S Software/Licensing $32465.97, ERGOMETRICS & APPLIE Recruitment $210, FAMILY SERVICE INC Professional Services $6080, FIRST DAKOTA NATIONA Lease Interest $86.21, FIRST DAKOTA NATIONA Lease Principal $3769.54, FOX, DANIEL Bd Exp Fees (Yankton) $698.91, G & R CONTROLS INC Heat, Vent & AC Repairs $150, GANNETT MEDIA CORP Publishing Fees $1192.44, GARRETSON GAZETTE Publishing Fees $1256.21, GEOTEK ENGINEERING & Architect, Engineers, and PMgt $3350, GIRTON ADAMS Road Maint & Material $75, GLOBAL TEL LINK (GT Telephone $3.24, GLORY HOUSE Miscellaneous Expense $5100, GOEBEL PRINTING INC Printing/Forms $259, GOLDEN WEST Telephone $76.78, GRAHAM TIRE CO NORTH Automotive/Small Equipment $2216.8, GRAINGER Jail Repairs & Maintenance $109.6, GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COM Jail Repairs & Maintenance $492.11, GREATER SIOUX FALLS Miscellaneous Expense $40, GUZMAN, SANDRA V Interpreters $770, HANSON, MICHAEL W Attorney Fees $598, HDR ENGINEERING INC Architects & Engineers $31415.31, HELSETH, RAMONA G. Bd Exp Fees (Minnehaha) $416, HENNEPIN COUNTY SHER Return Of Service $80, HENRY CARLSON CONSTR Construction Costs $2050021, HIGH POINT NETWORKS Subscriptions $8317.6, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Record Requests $11, HURTGEN, PROPERTIES Welfare Rent $700, HYVEE ACCOUNTS RECEI Jury Fees $51.88, HYVEE ACCOUNTS RECEI Program Activities $95.77, INNOVATIVE OFFICE SO Furniture & Office Equipment $410.9, INNOVATIVE OFFICE SO HHS Custodial Supplies $2265.9, INNOVATIVE OFFICE SO Janitorial Chemical Supplies $233.15, INNOVATIVE OFFICE SO Office Supplies $61.7, INTEK Outside Repair $10200, INTERSTATE OFFICE PR Office Supplies $882.66, JACKS UNIFORMS AND E Other Supplies $48.99, JAMES WIPF Sign Deposits $50, JASON MCCUBBIN Taxable Meal Allowances $20, JAYMAR Printing/Forms $289.88, JCL SOLUTIONS Inmate Supplies $1697.5, JCL SOLUTIONS JDC Custodial Supplies $4.38, JCL SOLUTIONS Kitchen/Cleaning Supplies $3775.3, JD'S HOUSE OF TROPHI Miscellaneous Expense $10.3, JD'S HOUSE OF TROPHI Office Supplies $8.5, JEFFERSON VILLAGE Welfare Rent $619, JEO CONSULTING GROUP Architects & Engineers $8172.75, JIMSCO INC Welfare Rent $830, JL PROPERTY MANAGEME Welfare Rent $700, JMACS CONCRETE Repair/Renovations $29067.02, JOBGEN, KARA Attorney Fees $340, JOHNSON POCHOP & BAR Attorney Fees $3137.73, JOHNSON, KATIE Attorney Fees $621, JOHNSON, KATIE Child Defense Attorney $689, JOHNSON, RICHARD L Child Defense Attorney $3381.03, JOURNEY GROUP COMPAN Contracted Construction $94262.5, JR DISTRIBUTION Parts Inventory $332.4, JSA CONSULT ENGINEER Architects & Engineers $16740, KASH LLC Transportation $67.29, KATTERHAGEN, MARK Bd Exp Fees (Yankton) $54, KERKVLIET, SARAH Business Travel $11.73, KERKVLIET, SARAH Taxable Meal Allowances $14, KIM COLWILL Miscellaneous Expense $45.68, KNECHT, ANDREW J Attorney Fees $2539.4, KNECHT, ANDREW J Child Defense Attorney $1490.3, KOCH HAZARD ARCHITEC Communication Equipment $356.25, LACEY VILLAGE TOWNHO Welfare Rent $892.3, LANGUAGELINE SOLUTIO Interpreters $534, LANGUAGELINE SOLUTIO Telephone $615.02, LARSON, VALERIE Bd Exp Fees (Yankton) $54, LAUGHLIN LAW LLC Attorney Fees $3160, LAUGHLIN LAW LLC Child Defense Attorney $954.5, LG EVERIST INC Bridge Repair & Maintenance $294.78, LISA CARLSON REPORTI Court Reporters $156.8, LISA MUELLER-HOWARD Store Inventory $80, LLOYD COMPANIES INC Communication Equipment $108749.21, LOPEZ, REBECA Interpreters $1840, LOVING, PHILIP Bd Evaluations (Minnehaha) $2805.03, MAC'S HARDWARE Jail Repairs & Maintenance $11.99, MALLOY ELECTRIC Automotive/Small Equipment $50.76, MARION COUNTY SHERIF Return Of Service $88, MARSH & MCLENNAN LLC Notary Exp $150, MAYER, MICHAEL P Uniform Allowance $234.89, MEDSTAR PARAMEDIC IN Transportation $4800, MEIERHENRY SARGENT L Child Defense Attorney $644, MENARD INC Program Activities $759.4, MERTZ, ROBERT L Attorney Fees $1500, MICHELS PROPERTIES Welfare Rent $675, MICROFILM IMAGING SY Contract Services $1367.44, MIDAMERICAN ENERGY C Natural Gas $2881.02, MIDAMERICAN ENERGY C Welfare Utilities $485.68, MIDCONTINENT COMMUNI Amounts Held For Others $117.39, MIDCONTINENT COMMUNI Data Communications $389.5, MIDCONTINENT COMMUNI Subscriptions $638.92, MIDCONTINENT COMMUNI Telephone $128.39, MIDLAND INC Heat, Vent & AC Repairs $62.53, MIDLAND INC Jail Repairs & Maintenance $798.15, MILLER, FRANCES F Bd Exp Fees (Minnehaha) $80, MINNEHAHA CNTY TREAS Chemicals $26.7, MINNEHAHA COUNTY Prisoner/Bond Accounts $125, MRO CORPORATION Record Requests $80.71, MURRAY APARTMENTS Welfare Rent $279, MYRL & ROYS PAVING I Road Maint & Material $81674.34, NAPA AUTO PARTS Automotive/Small Equipment $390.76, NAPA AUTO PARTS Gas Oil & Diesel $23.96, NAPA AUTO PARTS Parts Inventory $33.92, NAPA AUTO PARTS Truck Repairs & Maintenance $4.26, NGUYEN, LAM Interpreters $60, NICHOLAS MCGLOTHLEN Homeland Security $298, NICHOLE CARPER Attorney Fees $1090.5, NOBLES COUNTY (MN)SH Return Of Service $75, NORBERG PAINTS INC Building Repairs & Maintenance $206.58, NORIX FURNITURE Inmate Supplies $1455.06, NORTH CAROLINA DEPT Contract Services $369.4, NOVAK Lease-Rental Agreement $75.59, NOVAK Miscellaneous Expense $1406.25, NOVAK Office Supplies $71.74, NOVAK Tea-Ellis Range $84.08, NOVAK Trash Removal $1226.31, NYBERGS ACE HARDWARE Other Supplies $3.34, NYBERGS ACE HARDWARE Safety & Rescue Equipment $62.64, OFFICE DEPOT INC Data Processing Supplies $875.05, OLSON OIL CO. Automotive/Small Equipment $35.8, OLSON, ROBERT Business Travel $168, OLSON, ROBERT Extradition & Evidence $112, OSBORN, ROXANE R Court Reporters $107.8, PARAGON HEALTH & WEL Blood Withdrawal $4920, PAYTON, ARISTARCHUS Business Travel $248.9, PENNINGTON COUNTY Extradition & Evidence $105, PENNYMAC Mortgage Assistance $1200, PETTIGREW HEIGHTS AP Welfare Rent $1203, PIONEER ENTERPRISES Burials $5000, PRICE, THOMAS L Psych Evals $21600, QUALIFIED PRESORT SE Postage $522.69, QUALIFIED PRESORT SE Publishing Fees $644.4, R&L SUPPLY LTD Jail Repairs & Maintenance $50.21, RED WING OF SIOUX FA Uniform Allowance $175, REEVES, MEGAN Court Reporters $458.7, RENTOKIL NORTH AMERI Contract Services $264, RENTOKIL NORTH AMERI Professional Services $81.88, RESOLUTE LAW FIRM IN Attorney Fees $7735.72, RESOLUTE LAW FIRM IN Child Defense Attorney $3444.74, RINGING SHIELD,NICHO Bd Evaluations (Minnehaha) $632.5, RISK ANALYSIS & MANA Insurance Admin Fee $2879.5, RISTY, MAXINE J Court Reporters $460.6, ROEMEN'S AUTOMOTIVE Automotive/Small Equipment $259.99, RUNGE ENTERPRISES IN Contracted Construction $176819.08, RUNNING SUPPLY INC JDC Maintenance $11.27, SANFORD Lab Costs $315, SANFORD Other Medical Services $407.93, SANFORD CLINIC Lab Costs $2718, SANFORD CLINIC Miscellaneous Expense $60, SCHUMACHER ELEVATOR Jail Repairs & Maintenance $3592.71, SCILAWFORENSICS LTD Professional Services $3150, SD ASSOC OF COUNTY O Due To Other Governments $4196, SD HUMAN SERVICES CE Psych Evals $600, SD HUMAN SERVICES CE Record Requests $11, SD HUMAN SERVICES CE Records Storage $8.2, SDN COMMUNICATIONS Data Communications $540, SDN COMMUNICATIONS Telephone $1900.8, SEVERTSON, ALLEN Chemicals $41.32, SFJR LLC Professional Services $180, SHORT, JILL A Interpreters $100, SIOUX FALLS CITY Contracted Construction $44084.57, SIOUX FALLS CITY Miscellaneous Expense $320794.86, SIOUX FALLS CITY Water - Sewer $908.42, SIOUX FALLS MHP LLC Welfare Rent $490, SOLHEIM, VIRGINIA Chemicals $42.34, SOUTHEASTERN BEHAVIO Professional Services $3050, SRF CONSULTING GROUP Architects & Engineers $4554.61, STAN HOUSTON EQUIPME Grounds & Parking Repair $481.55, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Amts Held-Daily Scram $3666, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Amts Held-Remote Breath $715, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Blood/Chemical Analysis $10905, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Commitment - HSC $14553.41, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Commitment - Redfield $900, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Due To Other Governments $4443922.22, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Fingerprint/Tax $336.27, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Lab Costs $200, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Misc Revenue $76.63, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Mug Shots $0.93, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Notary Exp $60, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Outside Repair $14.7, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Printing/Forms $37.59, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Professional Services $389.25, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Property Search Fees $207.1, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Store Sales $192.77, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Telephone $883.17, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOT Witness Fees/Expenses $400, STOCKWELL ENGINEERS Parking $3676, STRANGE FARRELL JOHN Child Defense Attorney $1311, STREICHERS INC Uniform Allowance $6075.97, SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTI Contract Services $3240.5, SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTI Jail Repairs & Maintenance $923, SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE Board Of Prisoners-Meals $61807.63, SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE Child Care Food $1388, SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE Inmate Supplies $399.03, SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE School Lunch Program $3128.18, SUNSET LAW ENFORCEME Ammunition $743.6, TEGRA GROUP INC Architect, Engineers, and PMgt $13338.99, THOMPSON, PAIGE Bd Evaluations (Minnehaha) $225, THOMSON REUTERS - WE Legal Research $4252.52, THOMSON REUTERS - WE Subscriptions $288.11, TINDALL, PLLC BRENNA Professional Services $8050, TIRES TIRES TIRES IN Automotive/Small Equipment $33.57, TIRES TIRES TIRES IN Gas Oil & Diesel $75.31, TOMACELLI'S TOO Jury Fees $283.13, TRI-STATE NURSING Professional Services $8950, TRUGREEN LIMITED PAR Maintenance Contracts $382.11, TRUMBLE, HANK Taxable Meal Allowances $20, TSCHETTER & ADAMS LA Attorney Fees $4330.48, TURNWELL MENTAL HEAL Professional Services $2496.5, TURNWELL MENTAL HEAL Psych Evals $2800, TWO WAY SOLUTIONS IN Communication Equipment $5, TWO WAY SOLUTIONS IN JAG Grant 2023 $3855, TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I Contract Services $1897.71, TZADIK SIOUX FALLS I Welfare Rent $831, TZADIK TAYLORS PLACE Welfare Rent $500, UNIVERSITY PARK LEGA Professional Services $787.5, US FOODS INC Other Supplies $44.63, US FOODS INC Professional Services $1863.93, VB FALLS TERRACE Welfare Rent $2156, VER BEEK, KELSEY Bd Exp Fees (Minnehaha) $1989.5, VER BEEK, KELSEY Child Defense Attorney $6888.6, VERIZON CONNECT FLEE Professional Services $95.7, VERIZON WIRELESS Administrative Charges $23.37, VERIZON WIRELESS Data Processing Equipment $1369.97, VERIZON WIRELESS HIDTA Grant $85.44, VERIZON WIRELESS Tea-Ellis Range $40.01, VERIZON WIRELESS Telephone $5636.57, VITAL RECORDS Archive/Preservation Supplies $619.95, VITAL RECORDS Records Storage $4502.41, WASTE MANAGEMENT OF Trash Removal $4071.92, WELLINGTON PARK APTS Welfare Rent $197, WEST BRIAR COMMONS I Welfare Rent $900, WHITTIER APARTMENTS Welfare Rent $354, XCEL ENERGY Electricity $3189.35, XCEL ENERGY INC Welfare Utilities $1268.73, YANKTON COUNTY Return Of Service $200, YORK COUNTY SHERIFF' Return Of Service $38.68.

September 2024 Commission Salaries

COMMISSION Salaries            $37,267.20

AUDITOR         Salaries            $63,549.23

TREASURER     Salaries            $106,451.99

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Salaries            $97,562.33

STATES ATTORNEY      Salaries            $515,299.06

PUBLIC DEFENDER      Salaries            $301,871.56

PUBLIC ADVOCATE     Salaries            $89,445.33

FACILITIES       Salaries            $63,109.98

EQUALIZATION           Salaries            $120,176.45

REGISTER OF DEEDS   Salaries            $51,564.44

HUMAN RESOURCES  Salaries            $40,338.78

SHERIFF           Salaries            $1,472,110.03

JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER           Salaries            $219,741.19

HIGHWAY        Salaries            $165,146.19

HUMAN SERVICES       Salaries            $159,404.87

MUSEUM        Salaries            $92,556.82

PLANNING       Salaries            $50,913.61

EXTENSION     Salaries            $3,766.40

            The reports were received and placed on file in the Auditor's Office:

Auditor's Account with the County Treasurer for August 2024

Minnehaha County Abandoned Cemeteries Board

Minutes for August 2024

Routine Personnel Action

New Hire

            1. Christopher Owusu, Correctional Officer for the Jail, at $25.37/hour (14/1) effective 9/14/2024.

            2. Hannah Bartelt, Nathaniel Carota, Joshua Franco, July Schmidt as Correctional Officers for the Jail, at $25.37/hour (14/1) effective 9/16/2024.

            3. Tarek Maalouf, Deputy State's Attorney for the State's Attorney's Office, at $3,492.00/biweekly (22/2) effective 9/23/2024.

            4. To amend the start date for Julie Irvine, seasonal Election Worker for the Auditor's Office from 9/18/2024 to 9/16/2024.

            5. To amend the start date for Cleo Sorenson, seasonal Election Worker, for the Auditor's Office from 9/23/2024 to 9/16/2024.


            1. Kassandra DeHaai, Appraiser in Training to Appraiser for Equalization at $29.38/hour (15/3) effective 9/9/2024.

            2. Laurie Richardson, Deputy State's Attorney to Senior Deputy State's Attorney for the State's Attorney's Office, at $3,759.20/biweekly (22/4) effective 8/30/2024.

            3. Erica Adams, Legal Office Assistant to Paralegal for the State's Attorney's Office at $27.98/hour (16/1) effective 9/14/2024.

            4. Sharrell Logue, Legal Office Assistant to Paralegal for the State's Attorney's Office at $27.98/hour (16/1) effective 9/14/2024.

            5. Sandra Kinder, Senior Property Technician for Equalization to Commission Assistant for the Commission Office at $34.93/hour (14/12) effective 9/23/2024.

            6. Mark Honerman, Highway Maintenance Team Member to Senior Bridge Maintenance Team Member for the Highway at $28.68/hour (14/4) effective 9/14/2024.

Step Increases

            1. Crystal Kappenman, Tax & License Technician for the Treasurer's Office, at $22.95/hour (10/3) effective 9/6/2024.

            2. Kimberly Lemler, Tax & License Technician for the Treasurer's Office, at $22.95/hour (10/3) effective 9/12/2024.

            3. Arika Bartel, Records Technician for the Register of Deeds, at $23.54/hour (10/4) effective 8/29/2024.

            4. Zachary Cegelske, Sergeant for the Sheriff's Office, at $46.99/hour (20/12) effective 8/11/2024.

            5. Tanner Cornay, Deputy Sheriff for the Sheriff's Office, at $36.70/hour (17/8) effective 8/25/2024.

            6. Jason Aanenson, Deputy Sheriff for the Sheriff's Office, at $41.55/hour (17/13) effective 9/4/2024.

            7. Elias Scares Hawk, Correctional Officer for the Jail, at $26.64/hour (14/2) effective 9/5/2024.

            8. James Larson, STC Security Officer for STC Security, at $30.14/hour (13/8) effective 8/16/2024.

            9. Selina Betancourt, Juvenile Correctional Officer II for the Juvenile Detention Center, at $29.38/hour (16/2) effective 8/5/2024.

            10. Joseph Zilla, Juvenile Correctional Officer I for the Juvenile Detention Center, at $30.14/hour (13/8) effective 8/26/2024.

            11. Kamilla Pheifer, Victim Witness Assistant for the State's Attorney's Office, at $29.38/hour (16/2) effective 8/22/2024.

            12. Danielle Foiles, Deputy State's Attorney for the State's Attorney's Office, at $3,667.20/biweekly (22/3) effective 8/30/2024.

            13. Lawton Luke, Deputy State's Attorney for the State's Attorney's Office, at $3,667.20/biweekly (22/3) effective 9/5/2024.

            14. Elliott Ostermann, Mechanic Team member for the Highway, at $30.88/hour (15/5) effective 9/19/2024.

Special Personnel Actions

            1. To approve one temporary Paralegal over-hire in the State's Attorney's Office.

Abatement Applications Recommended for Approval by the Director of Equalization

Parcel-17600, Veteran Exempt PT10-4-40, 2023 Property Taxes, $987.16

Parcel-83943, Veteran Exempt PT10-4-40, 2023 Property Taxes, $1,370.39

Parcel-87668, Veteran Exempt PT10-4-40, 2023 Property Taxes, $1,860.64

Parcel-30118, Veteran Exempt PT10-4-40, 2023 Property Taxes, $726.23

Parcel-95624, Adam & Heather Buss, 2023 Property Taxes, $549.36

Items within Policy Guidelines

Declare Information Technology Equipment as Surplus and Authorize Disposal



            Kevin Hoekman, Planner, was present for the public hearing and gave the second reading of an amendment to the 1990 Revised Zoning Ordinance for Minnehaha County. The amendment, Rezone Request #24-01, is to rezone from a R-1 Residence District to the C Commercial District for the property legally described as Lot 2 Hatle in the Town of Lyons in Section 17-T103N-R50W. The parcel is located at the north side of the community of Lyons, and it contains the former Lyons School building. The property is a parcel of land that is approximately 1.27 acres. The property owner is Dennis Hatle and the petitioner is Mike Hanten. The property is adjacent to existing commercial zoned property to the east. In addition, the property is directly to the north and east of existing residential zoned land. The property owner recently underwent the process of vacating the alleyway on the original town platted block and the block was replanted from many small substandard lots into two lots containing over an acre of land area for each lot. The rezoning of one of the two replanted lots will allow the property owner to utilize the old school building and bus garage for specialty car repair and sales. Once the land use is allowed, the property owner plans to construct a residence on the open lot to the west with the intent to have the business and house near each other. The Planning Commission first heard the request at the May 20, 2024, meeting. During this meeting, several neighbors presented concerns about the current condition of the property and how the rezoning may increase problems for the site. The Planning Commission voted to defer action on the item until August 26, 2024, to allow some time to see improvement to the property's condition over the summer. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend denial of the rezoning request at the August 26, 2024, meeting when no progress was apparent by the petitioner to remove abandoned items from property. 

            Chair Karsky asked for proponents and opponents to speak on the topic. Mike Hanten, proponent, spoke in favor of the rezone request. The following opponents spoke against the rezone request: Shane Freyholtz, Harold Boer, and Deb Bunde,

            MOTION by Bender, seconded by Bleyenberg, to Uphold the Recommendation of the Planning Commission to Deny the Rezoning Request #24-01 from R-1 Residential District to C Commercial District on the Property Legally Described as Lot 2 Hatle Addition in the Town of Lyons in Section 17-T103N-R50W. By roll call vote: 5 ayes.


            Susan Beaman, Finance & Budget Officer, presented the final FY 2025 budget for Minnehaha County. The following changes from the Provisional Budget to the Final Budget were made: Revenue: Total Taxes Levied from $76,997,195 to $76,992,691; Other Financing Sources from $337,409 to $308,899; Expenditures: Director of Equalization from $2,545,165 to $2,514,905; State's Attorney from $9,033,843 to $9,082,756; Register of Deeds from $1,214,118 to $1,196,933; Sheriff's Office from $9,647,865 to $9,664,939; Sioux Metro Growth Alliance from $10,000 to $10,500; Fire Protection from $757,483 to $757,267; Emergency Management from $414,840 to $386,330; Operating Transfer Out from $337,409 to $308,899l Total Budget from $130,746,949 to $130,737,265.  Public Comment was received from Gary Meyer. MOTION by Bender, seconded by Kippley, to Approve Resolution MC 24-21 for the Adoption of the Annual Budget for Minnehaha County. By roll call vote: 5 ayes.



            Whereas, (7-21-5-thru 13), SDCL provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall each year prepare a Provisional Budget of all contemplated expenditures and revenues of the County and all its institutions and agencies for such fiscal year and,

Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners did prepare a Provisional Budget and cause same to be published by law, and

Whereas, due and legal notice has been given to the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of such Provisional Budget and all changes, eliminations and additions have been made thereto.

Now therefore be it resolved, That such provisional budget as amended and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates and all matters therein set forth, shall be approved and adopted as the Annual Budget of the appropriation and expenditures for Minnehaha County, South Dakota and all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2025, and ending December 31, 2025 and the same is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Minnehaha County, South Dakota, this 24th day of September, 2024.  The Annual Budget so adopted is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the County Auditor Minnehaha County, South Dakota.  The accompanying taxes are levied by Minnehaha County for the year January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025.


Dean Karsky, Chair

Jean Bender, Commissioner

Gerald Beninga, Commissioner

Jen Bleyenberg, Commissioner

Joe Kippley, Commissioner


Leah G. Anderson, Auditor

            COUNTY TAX LEVIES: General - $61,614,862, $2.450/1000; Library - $1,540,336, $0.256/1000; Building Fund - $5,210,807, $0.207/1000; Fire Protection - $757,267, $0.117/1000; & Bond Redemption $7,869,419, $0.313/1000.            

            Commissioner Kippley left the meeting at 9:45 a.m.


            Steve Groen, Highway Superintendent, was present for the first reading of an ordinance providing for the establishment of speed zones on the Minnehaha County Highway System. In April of 2021, a speed zone ordinance was adopted to enable enforcement of speed limits under 55 mph on County Highways. There are three proposed additions to the speed zone ordinance. The first change reduces the speed limit adjacent to and under the I-29 overpass on County Highway 114. The current speed is 55 MPH, but it would be reduced to 40 MPH due to the heavy and frequent turning traffic. The second proposed change is north of Dell Rapids on County Highway 127. Currently, the speed limit is 55 MPH but changes to 25 MPH when entering city limits. The proposed change includes reducing the speed limit to 45 MPH prior to the 25 MPH zone. The last proposed change is a reduction in the speed limit from 55 MPH to 45 MPH between County Highway 149 and 465th Ave on County Highway 118. This section of road is adjacent to the Tri-Valley School and was requested by the school administration. The proposed ordinance would replace the ordinance from August 2023. MOTION by Bleyenberg, seconded by Beninga, to Approve the First Reading of an Ordinance Providing for the Establishment of Speed Zones on the Minnehaha County Highway System. 4 ayes.


            Steve Groen, Highway Superintendent, was present to request authorization for the Highway Department to purchase up to $100,000 worth of slip-lining for culverts from the Nebraska Department of Transportation's (NDOT) Culvert PVC Slip-Lining Bid. On May 21, 2024, the Commission approved the purchase of up to $250,000 worth of culvert PVC slip-lining from Union County's bid through the low bidder, Subsurface Inc. During the culvert survey completed this summer by our culvert interns, a 54" culvert on County Highway 151 was identified as needing repair/replacement. This culvert is a candidate for slip-lining, allowing the Highway Department to repair the culvert without closing the road. The Union County bid did not include a price for a 54" liner, but Subsurface Inc has agreed to allow the purchase from the Nebraska Department of Transportation's bid that includes the appropriate size. MOTION by Beninga, seconded by Bleyenberg, to Authorize the Highway Department to purchase up to $100,000 worth of slip-lining for culverts from the Nebraska Department of Transportation’s (NDOT)Culvert PVC Slip-Lining Bid. By roll call vote: 4 ayes.



            Upon the request of Steve Groen, Highway Superintendent, MOTION by Bender, seconded by Beninga, to Declare the Following Equipment as Surplus: Ford F-550 Crew Cab Diesel With a Hydraulic Dump Body; Sterling LT9500 Dump Truck With Underbody Scraper, Plow, Wing, and Salt Spreader; Sterling LT9500 Dump Truck With Underbody Scraper, Plow, Wing, and Salt Spreader; Freightliner 114SD Dump Truck With Underbody Scraper, Plow, Wing, and Salt Spreader; 2003 Ford F-350 Weed Spraying Truck; 1984 IR P-250 Mobile Air Compressor; 2004 Trail King Side Dump Trailer; 2014 Tennant 5680 Floor Scrubber and Authorize Disposal by Online Auction Through PurpleWave and Deposit the Proceeds Into the Highway and Bridge Fund. By roll call vote: 4 ayes.


            Upon the request of Steve Groen, Highway Superintendent, MOTION by Bleyenberg, seconded by Bender, to Authorize the Highway Department to Purchase two Tandem Axle Trucks using the Minnesota State Contract in the Amount of $266,042. 4 ayes.


            Upon the request of Joe Bosman, Captain, MOTION by Beninga, seconded by Bleyenberg, to Authorize the Auditor to Post Notice of a Public Hearing for the 2024 JAG Spending Plan to be held on October 15, 2024, during the Regularly Scheduled Commission Meeting. 4 ayes.


            Upon the request of Joe Bosman, Captain, MOTION by Bender, seconded by Bleyenberg, to Authorize the Chair to Sign the Interlocal Agreement between Minnehaha County and the City of Sioux Falls for the 2024 JAG Program Award. By roll call vote:4 ayes.


            Upon the request of Mike Mattson, Warden, MOTION by Beninga, seconded by Bleyenberg, to Approve and Authorize the Chair to Sign Assignment Agreements between Minnehaha County and the South Dakota Office of Attorney General to Receive and Maintain Fingerprint Scanning Machines. By roll call vote: 4 ayes.


            Jason Gearman, Emergency Management Director, gave a briefing on the 2025 Local Emergency Management Performance Grant Sub-Recipient Agreement between Minnehaha County and the South Dakota Office of Emergency Management. The grant provides 50% reimbursement of eligible salary and benefits for the Emergency Management Director and the Assistant Emergency Management Director. Disaster response planning, training, and assessments, and report submissions to the State are requirements of the program. MOTION by Bender, seconded by Bleyenberg, to Authorize the Chair to Sign the 2025 LEMPG Sub-Recipient Agreement between Minnehaha County and the South Dakota Office of Emergency Management. By roll call vote: 4 ayes.


            Jeff Schaefer, South Dakota Department of Legislative Audit, gave a presentation regarding the fiscal and compliance audit for Fiscal Year 2023, which resulted in an unmodified audit opinion.


            Upon the request of Meredith Jarchow, Assistant Commission Administrative Officer, MOTION by Bleyenberg, seconded by Bender, to Approve the Rescheduling of the November 5, 2024, Building Committee and Commission Meetings to November 12, 2024, and the December 24, 2024, Commission Meeting to December 31, 2024. 4 ayes.


            Commissioner Beninga left the meeting at 10:07 a.m. and returned at 10:09 a.m.

            Tom Greco, Commission Administrative Officer, presented a request for approval to declare the Law Library Books as surplus and to authorize disposal as printed text pursuant to SDCL 6-13-1. The Law Library is located on the 4th floor of the County Courthouse and will be renovated into a courtroom with construction beginning this calendar year. Due to the renovation, there is a need to clear the existing space which includes approximately 90 multi-volume book/journal sets and approximately 90 individual books. Over the course of evaluating the contents of the library, it was determined that the vast majority of books are no longer useful due to obsolete information, or they are no longer necessary considering online availability through public Westlaw access, which is currently located in the Law Library. It's estimated that the Law Library is used no more than ten times per month, with nearly all visits made to access Westlaw. Additionally, and with the exception of South Dakota codes and supplements, no new hard copy volumes have been purchased since 2013. Staff have contacted various government entities and consulted with the Museum and Library to gauge interest in obtaining the books, but there was none for the reasons noted above. There is an extremely limited market for the sale of such volumes due to no historical or reference value. There has been a tentative interest in obtaining one of the 90 sets currently in the library. Printed text may be disposed of through sale, trade, or destruction without further Commission action. It's anticipated that most of the books will be recycled or junked, but in the event other government entities or nonprofits express interest, staff will arrange for the transfer of the books. MOTION by Bender, seconded by Bleyenberg, to Declare Asset 0520 – Law Library Books – as Surplus and to Authorize Disposal as Printed Text Pursuant to SDCL 6-13-1. By roll call vote: 4 ayes.


            Tom Greco, Commission Administrative Officer, presented a briefing regarding proposed amendments to Section 15.14, Parking, to the Minnehaha County Employee Handbook. The proposed amendments will be returned to the Commission at the meeting of October 1 for final consideration. The proposed amendments to the policy are the result of a review by staff from the Commission Office, Human Resources, Facilities, and the Sheriff's Office. The two primary amendments to the existing policy include transitioning Lot C to an employee-only lot and clarifying parking requirements for lot E. Other policy amendments include: requiring the submission of medical documentation to Human Resources for certain temporary permits; allowing any color permit parking in Lot I; and restricting the duration of temporary permits issued by select departments to no more than 30 days.



            Les Kinstad, Sioux Falls, SD, spoke about gun concerns.

            Jean Childs, Sioux Falls, SD, spoke about election concerns.

            Dennis Haugen, Sioux Falls, SD, spoke about the role of the elected officials.

            Leah Anderson, County Auditor, spoke about the absentee voting process and a requested meeting with Commissioner Kippley that was rejected.

            John Kunnari, Sioux Falls, SD, spoke about concerns with registered voters that use a mail forwarding service as a residence.

            Jessica Pollema, Sioux Falls, SD, spoke about election concerns.

            Gary Meyer, Hartford, SD, spoke about concerns of how the September 10th Commission meeting were handled.

            Cindy Meyer, Hartford, SD, spoke about election concerns.


            Commissioner Karsky reported on the recent South Dakota Association of County Commissioners annual meeting.

            MOTION by Bender, seconded by Bleyenberg, to Enter into Executive Session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (1), (3), (4), and (6) at 10:55 a.m. 4 ayes.

            Chair Karsky declared the executive session concluded at 11:14 a.m.

            MOTION by Bender, seconded by Beninga, to adjourn at 11:15 a.m. 4 ayes.

            The Commission adjourned until 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024.


Dean Karsky



Kym Christiansen

Commission Recorder

            Published  at the total approximate cost of $396.18  and can be viewed for free at



PRO. 23-0077

In the Matter of the Estate of







PRO. 23-0077

            Notice is given that on the     20th day of March, 2023, the following person was appointed as Personal Representative of the estate of Lyle Everett O'Donnell:

Jamie Kopp-O'Donnell

7205 W. Stoney Creek, St., Sioux Falls, SD 57106

(605) 653-0117

            Creditors of the decedent must file their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or their claims may be barred.

            Claims may be filed with the Personal Representative (by sending to her attorney at the address below); or Claims may also be filed at the Courthouse with the Minnehaha County Clerk of Courts, and a copy of the claim must be mailed to the Personal Representative (through her attorney below).

Jamie Kopp-O’Donnell

7205 W. Stoney Creek, St, Sioux Falls SD 57106


Angelia Gries


425 N. Dakota Ave.,

Sioux Falls, SD 57104

(605) 367-5900


Harris Law & Co.

5019 S. Bur Oak Pl., Sioux Falls, SD 57108 605-777-1772

            Published  three times at the total approximate cost of $52.61 and can be viewed for free at



In the Matter of the Trust

Administration of






            Notice is given that on May 16, 2024, the following person:

Tammy Becker-Egger

1500 E. 32nd St.,

Sioux Falls, SD 57105

was appointed as the Trustee in the trust administration for James Michael Loe. As Trustee, Tammy Becker-Egger has full power and authority to settle all claims and administer the Trust Estate of James Michael Loe.

            Creditors of the decedent must file their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or their claims may be barred.

            Claims may be filed with the above-named Trustee by mailing a claim notice with supporting documentation to the address above. Alternatively, claims may be emailed or mailed to the Trustee's attorney.

            Dated this 4th day of September, 2024.

Lindsey M. Harris, JD

Attorney for Trustee, Tammy Becker-Egger


5019 S Bur Oak Pl., Sioux Falls, SD 57108 605-777-1772

            Published  three times at the total approximate cost of $53.33 and can be viewed for free at


Notice of Hearing: for Adult Name Change





In the Matter of the Petition

of Chloe Lynn Person,

For a Change of Name to

Leo Lou Person


            Notice is hereby given that a Verified Petition for Adult Name  Change has been filed by Chloe Lynn Person, the object and prayer of which is to change Petitioner’s name from Chloe Lynn Person to Leo Lou Person.

            On the 22nd day of October, 2024, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. said Verified Petition will be heard by this Court before the Honorable Judge Hoffman 5A, at the Court Room in the Minnehaha County Courthouse, City of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, or as soon thereafter as is convenient for the court. Anyone may come and appear at that time and place and show reasons, if any, why said name should not be changed as requested.

            Dated this 4th Day of Sept., 2024 at Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Attested by,

Cathy Arant, Clerk of Court

            Published four times at the approximate cost of $50.69  and can be viewed for free at


Notice of Hearing: for Adult Name Change

CIV 24-3820




In the Matter of the Petition

of Jean Ann Heisler,

For a Change of Name to

Jean Ann Eller

CIV: 24-3820

            Notice is hereby given that a Verified Petition for Adult Name  Change has been filed by Jean Ann Heisler, the object and prayer of which is to change Petitioner’s name from Jean Ann Heisler to Jean Ann Eller.

            On the 29th day of October, 2024, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. said Verified Petition will be heard by this Court before the Honorable Judge Pekas Presiding, at the Court Room in the Minnehaha County Courthouse, City of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, or as soon thereafter as is convenient for the court. Anyone may come and appear at that time and place and show reasons, if any, why said name should not be changed as requested.

            Dated this 11th Day of Sept., 2024 at Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Attested by,

Cathy Arant, Clerk of Court

            Published four times at the approximate cost of $50.69  and can be viewed for free at





            Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held at the Minnehaha County Commission Chambers located at 415 N Dakota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD. The Commission Meeting begins at 9:00 am on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024.  The purpose of the meeting is to review and solicit comments on the Minnehaha County 5-Year Transportation and Bridge Improvement Plan.

            Meeting Assistance:  Accommodations for the meeting will be provided for persons with disabilities upon request.  Please contact the Minnehaha County Highway Department at (605) 367-4316 (voice or TDD) 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

            Dated this 18 day of September, 2024.

            Published  at the total approximate cost of $10.65  and can be viewed for free at



In the Matter of the ESTATE OF

BENNY E. OLSON, Deceased.

49 PRO 24-229


: SS


In the Matter of the ESTATE OF

BENNY E. OLSON, Deceased.


49 PRO 24-229


            Notice is given that on August 20, 2024, Tracey Richard Stoll, whose address is 201 E. Lotta St. #4 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota was appointed as Personal Representative of the Estate of Ben Olson.

            Creditors of decedent must file their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims may be barred.

            Claims must be filed with the Personal Representative or may be filed with the clerk, and a copy of the claim mailed to the Personal Representative.

Tracey Richard Stoll 201 E. Lotta St #4 Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Personal Representative

Mary R. Ash

Ash Law Office, PLLC

5101 S. Nevada Ave., Suite #130 Sioux Falls, SD 57108

(605) 800-1071

Attorney for Personal Representative

Angelia M. Gries

Minnehaha County Clerk of Courts 425 North Dakota Ave

Sioux Falls SD 57104

(605) 367-5900   

            Published  four times at the total approximate cost of $51.90  and can be viewed for free at



            Voter registration for the General Election to be held on November 5th, 2024, will close on October 21, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Failure to register by this date will cause forfeiture of voting rights for this election. If you are in doubt about whether you are registered, check the Voter Information Portal at or call the county auditor at 605-367-4220.

            Registration may be completed during regular business hours at the county auditor's office, municipal finance office, secretary of state's office, and those locations which provide driver's licenses, SNAP, TANF, WIC, military recruitment, and assistance to the disabled as provided by the Department of Human Services. You may contact the county auditor to request a mail-in registration form or access a mail-in form at

            Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the county auditor for information and special assistance in voter registration.

Leah G Anderson, Minnehaha County Auditor

            Published  twice at the total approximate cost of $25.56  and can be viewed for free at


Notice of Hearing: for Adult Name Change

49 CIV 24-3991




In the Matter of the Petition

of Emily Ann Morgan,

For a Change of Name to

Emily Ann Bossman

  49 CIV:24-3991

            Notice is hereby given that a Verified Petition for Adult Name  Change has been filed by Emily Ann Morgan, the object and prayer of which is to change Petitioner’s name from Emily Ann Morgan to Emily Ann Bossman.

            On the 12th day of November, 2024, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. said Verified Petition will be heard by this Court before the Honorable Mandi Mowery, at the Court Room in the Minnehaha County Courthouse, City of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, or as soon thereafter as is convenient for the court. Anyone may come and appear at that time and place and show reasons, if any, why said name should not be changed as requested.

            Dated this 24th Day of Sept., 2024 at Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Attested by,

Cathy Arant, Clerk of Court

            Published four times at the approximate cost of $50.69  and can be viewed for free at


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