Public Notices published November 14, 2024


  • Minutes of the City of Garretson for Nov. 4, 2024
  • RESOLUTION 2024-36
  • RESOLUTION 2024-37
  • Minutes for the Town of Sherman for November 4, 2024

Minutes of the City of Garretson for Nov. 4, 2024

City of Garretson

November 4th, 2024

The City Council of the City of Garretson, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met in regular session on Monday, November 4th, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at Garretson American Legion with Mayor Brown presiding. 6:29 P.M. Mayor Brown called the regular meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Bruce Brown – Mayor 

Alysha Kientopf – Ward I

Ryan Story – Ward I - absent

Dave Bonte – Ward II  

Jackie Rotert – Ward III

Brayden Beaner -- Ward III 

Kaitlyn Steinhoff – Student Advisory Council

Alexis Potter – Student Advisory Council


Paetyn Dreckman, Jordan Doane, Chris Fields, Carrie Moritz, Cole Gebhart, Chad Hanisch, Colleen Collier, Karla Godbey, Chris McGregor, Kurtis Nelson, Mike Ebbing, Mark Johnson, Matthew Jacobson, Heather Jacobson. (NOTE:  All attendees hereinafter to be referred to by last name and first initials when necessary)

Mayor Brown introduced K. Steinhoff and A. Potter to the student advisory council

Mayor Brown gave tribute to council member Godbey who recently passed.

Mayor Brown introduced Matthew Jacobson as his recommendation to fill the Ward 2 vacancy


A. Agenda – 11-04-2024 Regular Meeting

B. Claims Approved Dated 11-04-2024

C. Minutes 10-07-2024 Regular Meeting

Council member Rotert motioned to approve agenda items as written with a second from council member Kientopf. 4 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Council member Rotert motioned to approve the appointment at Matthew Jacobson to fill Ward 2 vacancy with a second from council member Kientopf. 4 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

M. Jacobson read oath aloud and joined the council at the table



Vendor Name References Invoice Amount Transaction # Date

Utility Services 602-4331-428

XCEL Water Tower $ 14.96 39943 10/21/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 9.92 39950 10/28/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 19.31 39950 10/28/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 16.17 39950 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 60.36

Utility Services 101-4192-428

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 87.81 39950 10/28/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 180.06 39950 10/28/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 156.35 39950 10/28/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 47.15 39950 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 471.37

Utility Services 101-4520-428

VERIZON WIRELESS Phones/Internet $ 120.03 39906 10/14/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 81.24 39943 10/21/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 78.22 39950 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 279.49

Utility Services 604-43250-428

XCEL Lift Station $ 9.05 39943 10/21/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 21.08 39950 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 30.13

Utility Services 101-4550-428

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 72.56 39950 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 72.56

Utility Services 101-4225-428

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 6.39 39950 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 6.39

Utility Services 602-4335-428

VERIZON WIRELESS Phones/Internet $ 62.73 39906 10/14/2024

XCEL ELECTRIC $ 12.63 39950 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 75.36

Services & Fees 101-4192-422

DANIELSON, LINDA Sept 2024 $ 190.00 39919 10/14/2024

GL Account Total - Services & Fees $ 190.00

Utility Services 617-4380-428

VERIZON WIRELESS Phones/Internet $ 92.53 39906 10/14/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 92.53

Services & Fees 101-4232-422

VERIZON WIRELESS Phones/Internet $ 85.44 39906 10/14/2024

GL Account Total - Services & Fees $ 85.44

Supplies & Materials 101-4312-426

JESSE JAMES COUNTRY STORE September Fuel $ 127.20 39915 10/14/2024

GL Account Total - Supplies & Materials $ 127.20

Supplies & Materials 617-4380-426

JESSE JAMES COUNTRY STORE September Fuel $ 361.63 39915 10/14/2024

GL Account Total - Supplies & Materials $ 361.63

Supplies & Materials 602-4335-426

JESSE JAMES COUNTRY STORE September Fuel $ 19.80 39915 10/14/2024

GL Account Total - Supplies & Materials $ 19.80

Supplies & Materials 101-4520-426

JESSE JAMES COUNTRY STORE September Fuel $ 266.15 39915 10/14/2024

GL Account Total - Supplies & Materials $ 266.15

Supplies & Materials 604-43250-426

JESSE JAMES COUNTRY STORE September Fuel $ 107.40 39915 10/14/2024

GL Account Total - Supplies & Materials $ 107.40

Machinery & Equipment 101-4520-434


SHANE SMITH FIX BLUE TRUCK $ 300.00 39930 10/15/2024

GL Account Total - Machinery & Equipment $ 357.46

Supplies & Materials 101-4512-426


GL Account Total - Supplies & Materials $ 32.99

Services & Fees 617-4381-422

CLAYTON ENERGY COMMODITY $ 596.96 10/11/2024

GL Account Total - Services & Fees $ 596.96

Rentals 101-4520-424

LACEY'S RENTALS PORTA POTTY RENTAL $ 475.00 39934 10/15/2024

LACEY'S RENTALS PORTA POTTY RENTAL $ 340.00 39934 10/15/2024

LACEY'S RENTALS PORTA POTTY RENTAL $ 340.00 39934 10/15/2024

THE TREASURE CHEST RENTAL $ 124.40 39952 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Rentals $ 1,279.40

Supplies & Materials 101-4192-426

MENARDS SIOUX FALLS EAST SUPPLIES $ 95.19 39933 10/15/2024

MENARDS SIOUX FALLS EAST supplies $ 96.96 39945 10/21/2024


AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES supplies $ 100.74 39958 10/28/2024

ACE HARDWARE - BRANDON step ladder $ 54.99 39957 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Supplies & Materials $ 380.87

Improve. Other Than Buildings 101-4520-433

DAKOTA CLEARING & GRADING SRP ROAD REPAIRS $ 6,650.00 39938 10/15/2024

GL Account Total - Improve. Other Than Buildings $ 6,650.00

Repairs & Maintenance 101-4192-425

DAKOTA CLEARING & GRADING GRADING NEW SHOP $ 3,385.73 39938 10/15/2024

MENARDS SIOUX FALLS EAST Maint. Supplies $ 231.86 39945 10/21/2024

GL Account Total - Repairs & Maintenance $ 3,617.59

Utility Services 101-4324-428

SIOUX VALLEY ENERGY RUBBLE SITE $ 76.48 39929 10/15/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 76.48

Utility Services 101-4316-428

XCEL ELECTRICITY $ 1,762.90 39928 10/15/2024

GL Account Total - Utility Services $ 1,762.90

Interest 604-4700-442

US BANK CW#2 CW#2 SRF $ 1,572.05 10/15/2024

GL Account Total - Interest $ 1,572.05

Principal 604-4700-441

US BANK CW#2 CW#2 SRF $ 7,011.20 10/15/2024

GL Account Total - Principal $ 7,011.20

Services & Fees 617-4380-422

AVERA OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE drug screen $ 67.50 39948 10/21/2024

GL Account Total - Services & Fees $ 67.50

Health Insurance 101-4142-415

DELTA DENTAL dental $ 118.40 39947 10/21/2024

GL Account Total - Health Insurance $ 118.40

Health Insurance 101-4520-415

DELTA DENTAL dental $ 118.40 39947 10/21/2024

GL Account Total - Health Insurance $ 118.40

Health Insurance 617-4380-415

DELTA DENTAL dental $ 118.40 39947 10/21/2024

GL Account Total - Health Insurance $ 118.40

Supplies & Materials 101-4232-426

AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Building Insp. Office $ 24.98 39949 10/21/2024

AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Building Insp. Office $ 9.99 39949 10/21/2024

AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Building Insp. Office $ 11.98 39949 10/21/2024

GL Account Total - Supplies & Materials $ 46.95

Services & Fees 602-4334-422

DEPT OF HEALTH - LAB SERVICES Water Testing $ 211.00 39946 10/21/2024

STEVE'S ELECTRIC 4th St Proj. Repair $ 502.53 39944 10/21/2024

GL Account Total - Services & Fees $ 713.53

Repairs & Maintenance 602-4334-425


GL Account Total - Repairs & Maintenance $ 975.51

Travel/Continuing Education 101-4142-427

DRECKMAN, PAETYN MILEAGE $ 290.11 39955 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Travel/Continuing Education $ 290.11

Machinery & Equipment 101-4312-434


GL Account Total - Machinery & Equipment $ 1,108.57

Sidewalks 212-43180-433

EAST DAKOTA CONCRETE, LLC Sidewalk Repairs $ 3,455.76 39954 10/28/2024

GL Account Total - Sidewalks $ 3,455.76

Report Total $ 32,596.84

October 2024 Wage Report

Salaries and Wages


10-04-2024 $1,060.64 10-17-2024 PR7897 $1,069.20

Salaries and Wages 101-4192-411

10-04-2024 $1,051.27

10-17-2024 PR7897 $1,051.27

Salaries and Wages 101-4232-411

10-04-2024 $398.25

10-17-2024 PR7897 $398.25

Salaries and Wages 101-4312-411

10-04-2024 $1.084.03

10-17-2024 PR7897 $1,172.05

Salaries and Wages 101-4317-411

10-04-2024 $390.29

10-17-2024 PR7897 $390.29

Salaries and Wages 101-4512-411

10-04-2024 $34.88

10-17-2024 PR7897 $50.38

Salaries and Wages 101-4520-411

10-04-2024 $1,216.18

10-17-2024 PR7897 $1,413.58

Salaries and Wages 602-4335-411

10-04-2024 $2,078.59

10-17-2024 PR7897 $2,120.47

Salaries and Wages 604-43250-411

10-04-2024 $2,109.79

10-17-2024 PR7897 $2,190.87

Salaries and Wages 617-4380-411

10-04-2024 $2,078.59

10-17-2024 PR7897 $2,120.47



Natural Gas Reports – P. 

Dreckman advised council gas prices at $0.92 per ccf. Council member Rotert motioned to approve natural gas prices with a second from council member Beaner. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Finance – P. Dreckman presented balances for city finances and advised Engineering RFQ had been sent with a return date of November 22nd. P. Dreckman advised she has been working with SECOG on possible infrastructure funding now available to Garretson. P. Dreckman requesting council approval to transition from accrual based accounting methods to cash basis. Discussion ensued and council member Bonte motioned to approve the accounting change to cash basis with a second from council member Kientopf 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Streets/Maintenance/Parks – J. Doane and C. Gebhart gave update on 4th Street Improvement Project. J. Doane advised plans to finish sweeping streets and winterizing city property. Council member Bonte requested small trees be wrapped to prevent deer rubbing. J. Doane advised bathhouse tuckpointing is complete

Code Enforcement – J. Hofer was not in attendance and did not provide update. 

Economic Development – C. Fields gave update on activity for October and what is to come in November. 

Emergency Services (Garretson Fire, Minnehaha Co Sheriff, Garretson Ambulance) – K. Nelson advised Garretson Ambulance 249 calls year to date and on track for busiest year ever. 16 providers currently and 3 more in training with a few extra drivers to help. 


Ordinance 703 – Amending Ordinance Section 47.30 “Bicycle and All-Terrian Vehicles” – first reading -  Mayor Brown read ordinance as presented. Council member Beaner requested purpose of ordinance if state law is in place and concerns around repealing other city ordinances currently in place unintentionally. Mayor Brown advised ordinance has been cleared by city attorney and would not affect other city ordinances. Council discussion further ensued. No action was taken as first reading

Ordinance 704 – “Amending Speed Limits” – first reading – Mayor Brown read ordinance as presented. C. Collier requested lowering alley speed limits to 10 miles per hour. Council discussion ensued around alley limits and better consistency throughout city limits. City staff will rework and present for a second first reading at the next meeting. 

Ordinance 705 – “Amending Ch 50.29 Delinquent Charges” – second reading – Mayor Brown read title of ordinance and council member Bonte motioned to approve ordinance as presented. Council member Rotert seconded the motion. Mayor Brown requested roll call vote. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.



BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF GARRETSON that the procedure for collection of delinquent utility bills be amended so that TITLE 5: PUBLIC WORKS CHAPTER 50.29, of the Municipal Code of the City of Garretson is amended to read as follows:


Billing is due upon receipt or by the 20th day of business of the current month. A utility bill shall be delinquent if payment is not received by the Utility Billing Clerk or the official city depository by the close of business on the 20th day of each month. If the 20th  day of the month falls on a weekend or another day in which the City office or official city depository is closed, said utility bill shall be considered delinquent if payment is not received by the close of business the following day said locations are open for business. If said utility bill is paid via ACH or online means, the payment must be completed on the 20th of each month. If a utility bill is considered delinquent as herein set forth, a penalty shall apply as adopted by Resolution of the City Council which shall be on file in the office of the City Finance Officer.

In addition to the penalties imposed above, the City Finance Officer, Utility Billing Clerk, and/or the Public Works Director may take the following action with regard to delinquent utility bills:

A. If payment is not received by the Utility Billing Clerk or the official city depository for two consecutive months before the close of business on the 25th day of the month following the initial delinquent utility bill, or close of business on the next regular business day for the City office or official city depository, the said utilities will be due for disconnection the following business day. 

B. The City may, in addition to any payments and penalties to be paid by the consumer or owner of the property, require that a deposit of sufficient amount be forwarded to the City through the City Finance Office or official city depository to assure future payment of utility bills. Any reinstatement of services may require that both a deposit, as determined by the City Council, and a standard connection fee or service fee will be paid prior to any reinstatement of utility services.

C. If payment of all utilities is not made by the consumer or the owner, if such person be a different person than the consumer, then the Public Works Director shall terminate water service to the property before noon or as soon thereafter, but such action shall not relieve the consumer or owner of the property of the duty to pay any delinquent amounts and penalties owing.

D. If the consumer or the owner is served with a personal disconnection notice three times within a calendar year, they will be assessed an additional service fee on each personal notification thereafter.

E. In accordance with SDCL 34A-6-29 the City of Garretson may certify delinquent balance on past due utility bills not paid prior to September 30th plus interest, to the County Treasurer to be collected as assessments and will be collected by the County Treasurer in the following year as a condition precedent to the payments of the real property tax on the lot or parcel with respect to which the charge was made.

All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.

Adopted this 4th day of November 2024.

Bruce Brown, Mayor

Attest: Paetyn Dreckman, Finance Officer, City of Garretson


First Reading: October 7th, 2024

Second Reading: November 4th, 2024

Publication: 11-14-24

Effective Date:

Published at the total approximate cost of $42.60 and can be viewed for free at

Ordinance 706 – Establishing Rural and Urban Service Districts – second reading – Mayor Brown read title of ordinance. Council member Bonte motioned to approve ordinance as presented with a second from council member Kientopf. Mayor Brown requested a roll call vote. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.



BE IT ORDAINED BE THE CITY OF GARRETSON that the following regulations are adopted pertaining to the establishment of rural service district and urban service district within the corporate limits of the City of Garretson: Section 1. Intent. Under the authority of SDCL Chap. 9-2lA, the City of Garretson intends to classify the property within the corporate limits of the City of Garretson be classified as urban and rural for purposes of ad valorem property taxation pursuant to the provisions of SDCL Chap. 9-21A. Section 2. Definition of Terms. Terms as used in this Ordinance shall be given the meanings as listed in SDCL § 9-21A-2. 

Section 3. Establishment of Urban Service District and Rural Service District. The City of Garretson divides the area within and abutting to its corporate limits into an urban service district and a rural service district, constituting separate taxing districts for the urban and rural property classified for such purposes by this Ordinance and for purposes of all the municipal ad valorem property taxes, except for those levied for the payment of bonds. Lands outside the corporate limits of the City of Garretson are designated for purposes of possible future annexation, handled under Section 4 below. 

Section 4. Rural Service District. The rural service district shall include only such platted or unplatted lands as in the judgment of the City of Garretson are rural in character, are used or usable for agriculture, and are not developed for commercial, industrial or urban residential purposes, and for these reasons are not benefited to the same degree as other lands by municipal services financed by general taxation. The rural service district may include lands which are not contiguous to one another. Lands outside the corporate limits of the City of Garretson may be designated as rural service district, and if annexed, shall be included within the rural service district. 

Section 5. Urban Service District. The urban service district shall include all lands within the boundaries of the City of Garretson which are not included in the rural service district. Section 6. Limitation on Tax Levy and Assessed Value of Rural Service District Lands. The tax levy and assessed value on the rural service district lands shall not exceed the average tax levy and average assessed value on unannexed agricultural land in adjoining townships in the county as long as the annexed agricultural land remains rural property as defined by SDCL § 9-2 l A-2. 

Section 7. Transfer of Rural Service District Lands to Urban Service District. Whenever any parcel of land located in the rural service district is platted, in whole or in part, and whenever application is made for a permit for the construction of a commercial, industrial, or urban residential development or improvement to be situated on such parcel or any part thereof, the board or officer approving such plat or building permit shall report it to the City of Garretson, which shall then take such necessary steps needed to transfer such parcel from the rural service district to the urban service district. 

Section 8. Allocation and Spread of Levies. Taxes levied for payment of bonds shall continue to be spread upon all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Garretson in proportion to the assessed valuation thereof. The remaining amount of the taxes levied each year shall be allocated by the county auditor to the urban service district and the rural service district in amounts proportionate to the current benefit ratio times the current benefit between the full and true values of all taxable property within the urban service district and all taxable property within the rural service district. Within each district, the amount so allocated shall be spread upon all taxable property in proportion to the assessed valuation thereof.

Section 9. Certification of Tax Levy to County Auditor. The amount of taxes levied each year shall be certified to the county auditor. 

Section 10. Filing Ordinance with County Auditor. A certified copy of this ordinance and any amendment adopted or entered in connection therewith will be filed with the county auditory before it becomes effective.

All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.

Adopted this 4th day of November 2024.

Bruce Brown, Mayor

Attest: Paetyn Dreckman, Finance Officer, City of Garretson


First Reading: October 7th, 2024

Second Reading: November 4th, 2024

Publication: 11-14-24

Effective Date:

Published at the total approximate cost of $54.67 and can be viewed for free at

Ordinance 707 – “Amending Ch 50.23 Connection Fee” – second reading – Mayor Brown read title of ordinance and council member Bonte motioned to approve ordinance as presented. Council member Kientopf seconded the motion. Mayor Brown requested roll call vote. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.



BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF GARRETSON that the obligations to connection fees be amended so that TITLE 5: PUBLIC WORKS CHAPTER 50.23, of the Municipal Code of the City of Garretson is amended to read as follows:


A. The fee for connecting to the municipal water system shall be based on the water meter size as follows:¾” or 1” Meter ……………………...$    600.00 (no charge for meter or accessories) 1-½” Meter .........................................$    900.00 (plus cost of meter & accessories) 2” Meter .............................................$ 1,500.00 (plus cost of meter & accessories) 3” Meter .............................................$ 3,000.00 (plus cost of meter & accessories) 4” Meter .............................................$ 5,400.00 (plus cost of meter & accessories) 

Any meter upgrades will result in an additional water connection fee based on the difference from the rate for the current meter size to the new larger meter size plus the costs of the new meter and accessories.

All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.

Adopted this 4th day of November 2024.

Bruce Brown, Mayor

Attest: Paetyn Dreckman, Finance Officer, City of Garretson

First Reading: October 7th, 2024

Second Reading: November 4th, 2024

Publication: 11-14-24

Effective Date:

Published at the total approximate cost of $19.53 and can be viewed for free at

Ordinance 708 – “Amending Ch 51.20 Sewer Connection Fee” – second reading – Mayor Brown read title of ordinance. Council member Rotert motioned to approve ordinance as presented with a second from council member Bonte. Mayor Brown requested roll call vote. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.



BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF GARRETSON that the obligations to connection fees be amended so that TITLE 5: PUBLIC WORKS CHAPTER 51.20, of the Municipal Code of the City of Garretson is amended to read as follows:


A. The fee for connecting to the municipal sewer system shall be based on the water meter size as follows: 

¾” or 1” Meter .......................$    400.00 

1-½” Meter .............................$    600.00 

2” Meter ......................$ 1,000.00 

3” Meter .................................$ 2,000.00 

4” Meter .................................$ 3,600.00 

All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.

Adopted this 4th day of November 2024.

Bruce Brown, Mayor

Attest: Paetyn Dreckman, Finance Officer, City of Garretson

First Reading: October 7th, 2024

Second Reading: November 4th, 2024

Publication: 11-14-24

Effective Date:

Published at the total approximate cost of $16.33 and can be viewed for free at

Ordinance 709 – Parking Rules Additions – first reading – Mayor Brown read ordinance as presented. P. Dreckman advised ordinance created to address parking and overnight parking within unapproved areas. No action taken as first reading. 

Resolution 2024-36 Voluntary Annexation – Mayor Brown presented resolution as annexing the parcel known as the branch pile that is currently owned by the city. Council member Beaner motioned to approve resolution as written with a second from council member Kientopf. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.



WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council of the City of Garretson a written petition signed by the owners and otherwise in compliance with the provisions of SDCL Chapter 9-4 requesting voluntary annexation of certain real property into the municipal boundaries of the City of Garretson. Such real properties being legally described as:

BOLLINGERS TR 1 W ½ NE ¼ 29 103 47 PALISADE TOWNSHIP 103-47 thereof, according to the recorded plat thereof.

WHEREAS, the property to be annexed is contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Garretson; and,

WHEREAS, said petition having been signed by not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and by the owners of not less than three-fourths of the value of the property sought to be annexed;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Garretson, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, grants the relief sought in the aforementioned petition for annexation pursuant to SDCL 9-4-1 and shall extend its boundaries to include the aforementioned and described real property, and that the Municipal Finance Officer of the City of Garretson shall cause a duly certified transcript of this Resolution to be filed with the Register of Deeds, Minnehaha County, South Dakota.

Dated this 4th day of November 2024

Bruce Brown, Mayor

Attest: Paetyn Dreckman, Finance Officer, City of Garretson


Published at the total approximate cost of $20.59 and can be viewed for free at

Resolution 2024-37 – Dog Park Dedication – Mayor Brown read resolution as presented. Council discussion ensued and Mayor Brown described plans for location being north of city swimming pool, fencing, sidewalk, and grants for funding. Council member Rotert motioned to approve resolution as presented with a second from council member Beaner. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.


A Resolution Dedicating Northern Portion of 800 Essex St as Dog Park

WHEREAS, the Northern portion of 800 Essex Street Garretson has been identified as a suitable location for a community dog park for ease of accessibility to the community; and

WHEREAS, public input and support have demonstrated a strong desire among residents for a dog park within our city; and

WHEREAS, the City of Garretson is committed to promoting environmental stewardship, enhancing community well-being, and providing residents with accessible outdoor recreational areas;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the city council of the City of Garretson South Dakota that the northern portion of 800 Essex Street Garretson is dedicated as a Community Dog Park.

Adopted this 4th day of November 2024

Bruce Brown, Mayor

Attest: Paetyn Dreckman, Finance Officer, City of Garretson


Publication: 11-14-24

Effective Date:  

Published at the total approximate cost of $14.56 and can be viewed for free at


LLJ Properties Plat – M. Johnson advised council of plans. Council member Beaner motioned to approve plat as presented with a second from council member Kientopf. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Liquor License Renewals – P. Dreckman listed businesses requesting renewals. Council discussion ensued. Council member Kientopf motioned to approve renewals with a second from council member Rotert. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Garretson Code of Ordinance Revision – Mayor Brown advised council member Beaner will be chair of ordinance committee with intentions on updating current ordinance book along with two other council members. Committee will work with Finance Officer, who will work with City Attorney to make changes. 

 Surplus – John Deere Mower for trade – J. Doane advised council on trading in for newer model. Council member Rotert motioned to approve surplus request with a second from council member Kientopf. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

City water/sewer line maintenance responsibility – J. Doane advised council of unclear ordinances on homeowner responsibility versus city responsibility. Council discussion ensued. Council discussed homeowner responsible from home to curb stop, concerns around sewer line from home to sewer main were discussed. City staff will work with engineering on ordinance to present. 

State Holidays – P. Dreckman requested council allow city staff to abide by holidays declared by elected South Dakota Governor. Council member Rotert motioned to approve request with a second from council member Bonte. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Branch Pile Burn – J. Doane requested direction from council on burning current branch pile while it is now in city limits. Council member Beaner advised able to burn with permission granted from current fire chief according to current city ordinances. Council discussion ensued and council members requested changing to allow Public Works Director to burn without approval from fire department. 

7:39 PM Council member Rotert motioned to move into executive session with a second from council member Kientopf. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Executive ession: Pursuant of SDCL 125-2 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5),(6)

8:03 PM Council member Rotert declared out of executive session with a second from council member Bonte. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed. Public was invited back to council chambers.


Council member Kientopf motioned to approve Part Time Maintenance Technician starting wage to increase to up to $20 per hour effective next pay period. Council member Rotert seconded the motion. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Council member Beaner motioned to approve a 10% wage increase for the current Utility Billing position effective next pay period. Council member Kientopf seconded the motion. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Council member Beaner motioned to allow the city to be included as a co-applicant for Garretson Economic Development’s DOT application requesting access to highway 11. Council member Kientopf seconded the motion. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

8:06 PM Council member Kientopf motioned to adjourn with a second from council member Rotert. 5 ayes (Kientopf, Beaner, Rotert, Jacobson, Bonte) 0 nays, 1 absent (Story). Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned. 

Bruce Brown, Mayor

Attest: Paetyn Dreckman, Finance Officer, City of Garretson


Published at the total approximate cost of $216.94 and can be viewed for free at

Minutes for the Town of Sherman for November 4, 2024

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Monday November 4, 2024 @ 7:30pm

Members Present: Gerry Karpen, Dawn Williams and Cheryl Swenson

Absent: Larry Sutton Jr.

Others Present: Ellen Karpen, Justin Haman, Lee Ellis and Kara Duncan

Karpen called the meeting to order.

Routine Business:

Approval of the agenda- Motion by Williams to approve the agenda, 2nd by Karpen-all ayes, motion carried.

Minutes of the October 1, 2024 meeting were read—Williams made a motion to approve the minutes, 2nd by Karpen—all Ayes, motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report was read—Williams made a motion to approve the Treasurers report as read, 2nd by Karpen—all Ayes, motion carried.

Open floor to comments: Ellis is concerned about weeds in Tiger Park—discussion was held.

Claims Approved to be paid:

Minnehaha Community Water $60.00 for water, Sioux Falls Humane Society $232.44 for 3 calls, Brothers Gutter $550.60 for gutter work, Gerry Karpen $17.25 for text messages, $209.10 for service on garage door, $21.99 for light bulbs, Dell Rapids Law Firm $550.00 legal fees, Xcel Energy $29.07 for town hall lights, $29.34 for park lights, $287.63 for street lights, Jesse James $18.00 for gas, Garretson Gazette $32.27 for Sept. minutes, $158.76 for 2025 appropriations, SDML $470.00 for insurance, Mark Pierret Benefit $100.00 for donation.

Old Business:

1. Mike’s Bar liquor license renewal—Williams made a motion to approve Mike’s Bar renewal liquor license, 2nd by Karpen—All Ayes, motion carried.

New Business:

1. Humane Society—signed a 2025 contract with the Sioux Falls Humane Society.

2. Sophie Johnson—Sophie was supposed to show up to talk on flood study—she didn’t show, Williams will contact her for next month.

3. Papers of intent for flood study—Williams made a motion to approve resolution 2025-2 (papers of intent for flood study), 2nd by Karpen—all ayes, motion carried.

Williams made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Karpen—all ayes. Next regular meeting will be December 2, 2024 @7:30pm. 

-Cheryl Swenson Town Clerk

Published at the total approximate cost of $24.28 and can be viewed for free at



Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held at the Saint George Catholic Church, 408 S. Western Ave., Hartford, SD 57033. The Public Open House is on Thursday, November 21st, 2024 from 4:30 – 6:30 P.M.  The purpose of the open house is to provide information and solicit comments on the ongoing Highway 151/Western Ave. corridor study. 

Meeting Assistance:  Accommodations for the meeting will be provided for persons with disabilities upon request.  Please contact the Minnehaha County Highway Department at (605) 367-4316 (voice or TDD) 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

Dated this 6th day of November, 2024.                                       Leah Anderson, County Auditor

Published at the total approximate cost of $10.65 and can be viewed for free at

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