Public broadcasting is a vital partner


By Jim Speirs, Executive Director, Arts South Dakota

In a state as large and diverse as South Dakota, no one organization can advance our creative environment singlehandedly. One of Arts South Dakota’s most significant partners in the daily challenge of providing arts advocacy and arts information is South Dakota Public Broadcasting (SDPB). With 98% coverage throughout our state’s 77,000 square miles, SDPB is a vital link in bringing arts programming to every community.

From interviews with South Dakota artists to broadcasts of the SD Symphony Orchestra to Jazz Nightly, SDPB covers creative expression as thoroughly as they cover the state. Rural communities, reservations, small school districts and homes across South Dakota are entertained, informed and connected by the dedicated, professional and locally oriented programs of SDPB.

Our partners at SDPB face an unprecedented budget cut in the Governor’s 2025 budget proposal. These cuts could lead to a drastic reduction in local programming, which means a reduced focus on the celebration of our state’s creative community. We believe that every South Dakotan will lose a vital resource if SDPB is limited in its ability to reach across the state as it has in the past. This cut would disproportionately affect rural coverage, where SDPB’s programming and outreach are highly valued.

Arts South Dakota is proud to partner with SDPB, recognizing the importance of their network in helping us advance the arts in South Dakota by connecting, advocating and educating. We urge everyone who understands the mission of SDPB to learn more about this legislative issue by visiting the SDPB Friends advocacy page at If you believe in access to the arts for all South Dakotans, tell your legislators. Let them know that SDPB is a vital resource for our state.

For more about partnership and growing the arts in South Dakota, visit

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