Preview of Veteran’s Day program-Post 23, PVT Martin G Haugse, Casualty of WWI


by Marty Luebke, Post #23

You will find this years Veteran's Day Program quite unique and of great local significance.  Everyone who has lived in Garretson for some time knows that our American Legion Post 23 is named after "Henry G. Fix" who was killed in action during WW I.  However, most of us do not know of Martin G. Haugse, whose name is on the same headstone in the Lutheran Cemetery.  Let me tell you a bit more of what I've learned about Martin.  Martin was the oldest son born on Nov 7, 1898 to Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Haugse.  He and grew up in Garretson and like most kids of that time had many friends and entertained themselves with games and playing sports--he especially enjoyed baseball.  He attended Garretson School where he was a good student and athlete.  He was also active in band and in 1907 was elected Band Secretary/Treasurer.  After WW I broke out, he wanted to enlist in the Army but his folks felt at only 17 he was too young and they would not sign for him.  Later when some buddies were joining the Luverne National Guard his parents consented and he enlisted.  I will skip some of what we know about his military time.  If you attend the Vets Day program you will hear more about this (how they split up his buddies in his unit, how he missed the Midwest farm land and how he did NOT enjoy the New Mexico desert).  You will hear about his long train rides, how much he was looking forward to coming home and having some of his moms good cooking. Of course, he eventually was sent overseas to help fight in WW I and did not come home alive.

If you cannot attend the Vets Day program or just want to do some advance research on the Internet, check out "Argonne Offensive Battle, WW I".  This was a very tough decisive battle fought from Sept 26 through Nov 11, 1918.  Heavy casualties were encountered on both sides as our troops took up an offensive against over 40 well entrenched German Divisions.  Martin was assigned as one of the replacement gunners in an automatic rifle squad near St. Georges. As an interesting side note, if you look at his grave marker, you will note that Martin eventually served in the same Company as Henry G. Fix.  If you can attend this program you learn more about what took place on that battlefield and will hear what Martin's buddies had to say about him.   Sadly, Martin was killed in action less than a month before the war ended.  He faithfully wrote his parents whenever he could, so they must have known something was wrong and feared the worst when they no longer received his letters.  His last letter arrived 2 days before he was killed on Oct 15,1918.  As a parent and sibling, one can not begin to imagine their feelings of fear and anxiety as they awaited the eldest sons next letter.  After a long painful silence, their worst fears were confirmed the following spring when they were notified of their sons death.  Understandably the family wanted to know more about their sons death and placed an ad in "The American Legion Weekly" section titled 'Find your buddy'.  From several responses they eventually knew more of what happened on that battlefield as Martin fought to his death.  Thanks to someone who saved letters and passed them on we too better understand and appreciate what took place almost 100 years ago.

Perhaps a fitting end to this article would be a short excerpt from a letter Owen gave me from his dad.  Sgt. R.P. Wiese assigned to 365th Infantry also participated in this decisive Argonne Offensive Battle.  Here is a short small part taken from a letter he wrote to his friend Doc. describing the scene as they realized the war was over.  "The Argonne-Meuse was the final offensive. On the morning of the eleventh of November my battalion was astride the Meuse River. The afternoon of the eleventh the chaplain held a Thanksgiving service. It was a scene I shall never forget as the chaplain stood there with the worn doughboys all around him in the middle of a French forest. I tell you the men stood there praying, unashamed of the tears rolling down their cheeks. It was a mighty solemn affair for most of us and I had tears in my eyes for I had just been told that a little chap from Flandreau who I knew had been bumped off in the final drive. Of course we couldn't have fires at the front but you should have seen the fires that evening, great big blazes lighting the woods for several hundred yards while across the river we could hear the Bosches (term for Germans) singing and yelling and having a gay old time. Take it from me Doc, that if this war hasn't been a lesson for a man, he can't be taught, that's' all."

From my perspective, Sgt. Wiese was absolutely correct and unfortunately it does not seem that the world has learned very well.  For the sake of future generations, it is my hope that we will learn and have a peaceful co-existence.  In closing,  I hope you can attend this years Veterans Day Service and help us pay our respects by remembering our own Martin, his military service and how he and so many others gave their life in service to our country.

News for 11-9-17

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