Eliza Potter, a Garretson Senior, represented the Garretson American Legion Post 23 at the District 7 Oratorical Competition January 12, 2025 at Humboldt. Her 8-10 minute prepared oration was a presentation about the Constitution and the responsibilities of voting, including why people don't vote and solutions moving forward. She used good examples including the Garretson School District opt-out on why 1 vote can matter!

Eliza later discussed the 7th Amendment in a 3–5-minute impromptu speech. There was a tie for 1st place, and in a very tight competition, Eliza came in 2nd. Eliza will receive the $500 Jerome Johnson Oratorical Scholarship from the Henry G. Fix Post #23 Legion for her work. She is the 13th Garretson Student to represent Garretson in this competition, dating back to 1964.