The Henry G. Fix Post 23 meeting opened on Thursday, August 4th at 7:46 pm. The meeting was opened by Commander Nancy Grandy with a salute to the Colors, POW/MIA observance, the Pledge of Allegiance, and preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Chaplain Tara Hough offered an opening prayer. 35 members were present. A special thank you was given to Art Jones and Mike Swenson who generously provided the sweet corn and cucumbers for the meal. They have given to the corn feed for several years. Special guests were National Executive Committee member Denny Brenden, District 7 Commander Pat Mullins, Dan Wyatt (Madison Post), and Ron Lewis (Britton Post).
Legion Auxiliary President Cheryl Lyngen recognized Girls State Attendees Logan Bly, Chloe Flahaven, Grace Hove, and Anna Jones. They each shared moments from their experience and thanked the Auxiliary for sponsoring their attendance.
Commander Grandy recognized the baseball teams for a great season. Coach Aaron Christensen and Tony Olson presented the 14U Regional Champion Plaque and State Bracket Plaque to the Post. Coach Jay Swatek represented the 19U team. Members of both teams gave highlights of the season.
Kris Frerk was recognized for winning both the District and State Good Samaritan Awards.
Steve Larson was recognized for 32 years of support to the American Legion fireworks program.
Jason Janssen was recognized as Post 23 Firefighter of the Year.
The minutes of the previous meeting were presented and approved. The finance and social reports were approved. Bills were approved for payment. A motion was approved to donate $1000 to each baseball team.
Service Officer John Schmidt reported that a get-well card was sent to Rex Tollefson. It was mentioned that Donald Pierret recently passed away.
The membership report was given by Beth Welch. She reported that our 2023 goal number is 209 members. We currently have 26 Paid Up For Life members, 7 online paid, and 5 paid members before the meeting. An additional 32 memberships were received during the meeting.
Bob Bennet gave the Americanism Report. We now have now received all back-ordered flags. We have replaced the POW/MIA flag and American Flag on the Post flagpole. Bob has given the oratory contest information to the teachers at the school.
Paul Evenson gave the Legislative Report. The final Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act passed this last week. This has been a priority for the National Commander and will give benefits to Veterans who served overseas in several countries.
Our Honor Guard performed one ceremony this last month at the State Veterans Cemetery. They will also provide honors at the Donald Pierret funeral this upcoming week. There will be a special meal and gathering for past and present Honor Guard members on Sunday, September 11th. There was no baseball report.
Commander Grandy presented an initial copy of the Post 23 newsletter. It was well received and covered post activities from May through July. She is working to publish it either bi-monthly or quarterly.
Our next Post meeting will be Thursday, September 1st. The meal will happen at 7:00 pm, with the meeting following at 8 pm. The Auxiliary will be providing the annual pot luck meal. Our next Post breakfast will be October 2nd with omelets being served for a freewill donation.
NEC Denny Brendon and District 7 Commander Pat Mullins spoke on the corn feed and the programs of Post 23. Commander Grandy made special mention of the upcoming Purple Heart Day on August 7th. A promotional flyer was received from Post 15 Sioux Falls for their upcoming Pig Roast on August 16th.
The monthly raffle drawing for August took place. Winners were: Matt Sorenson, Amber Chopin, Kathy Evenson, Reed Petersec. Each will receive $150. Commander Nancy Grandy closed the meeting at 8:59 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Wiesner, Post 23 Historian