The Henry G. Fix Post 23 meeting opened on Thursday, October 6th at 8:00 pm. The meeting was opened by Commander Nancy Grandy with a salute to the Colors, POW/MIA observance, the Pledge of Allegiance, and preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Chaplain Tara Hough offered an opening prayer. 29 members were present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were presented and approved. The finance and social reports were approved. Bills were approved for payment. Service Officer John Schmidt reported that get well cards were sent to Don Dorsman and Arden Sorenson. A condolence card was sent to the family of post member James Gaertner.
The membership report was given by Beth Welch. She reported that our 2023 goal number is 209 members. We currently have 26 Paid Up For Life members, and 73 renewals. 41 additional memberships were given during the meeting. That will take us to 140 total, with the next goal in November of 65%.
Bob Bennett gave the Americanism Report. He has had a meeting with Katie at the school to set up the Veterans Day program. The school will offer lunch with the Veterans again. There will also be special seating for Veterans at the 2:15 pm school program held on Friday, November 11th.
Paul Evenson gave the Legislative Report. The Post Color Guard had 4 persons in the homecoming parade. 8 Post members were at the Midwest Honor Flight welcome home at the Arena. At the National Convention Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola from New York was elected as the new National Commander. His theme is “Be The One”, and will be carried for the next 3 years.
No baseball report this month. Commander Grandy has been speaking with a few people about the building maintenance position. The baseball coordinator position has been filled by Brian Siemonsma. The committee on wall options is reviewing all options and will report to the membership in the near future.
Commander Grandy presented the October newsletter to Post members. She was commended for her efforts and the high quality of the newsletter. Each edition covers Post activities and has many pictures and stories of recent events. Please submit any stories or pictures to Commander Grandy for future publications.
Our next Post meeting will be Thursday, November 3rd. The meal will happen at 7:00 pm, with the meeting following at 8 pm. Our next Post breakfast will be December 4th with French toast for a freewill donation. The next district meeting will be in Sioux Falls on October 22nd with social hour at 11 am, a meal at 12 pm, and the meeting at 1 pm. The next county meeting be October 25th in Colton with a social and meal at 6 pm and the meeting at 7 pm. A motion was passed to donate $100 to the Garretson FFA. The Post Veterans Day program will be held on Friday, November 11th with a meal at 6 pm and program following at 7 pm.
Bob Bennett discussed the possibility of adding 10 flags to Split Rock Park during the camping season. A motion was passed to add those 10 flags. Gary Lyngen proposed moving the Past Commanders boards and will work to build 4 new panels.
Commander Grandy read the mail received. The Commercial Club is conducting a raffle for a EBIKE. Tickets are $50 with only 150 sold. The Naval Reserve will be hosting a Navy Birthday on October 15th at the Alliance in Sioux Falls to honor its 247 years of service.
The monthly raffle drawing for September took place. Winners were: Dan Bonte, Denny Garry, Norlyn Vandeberg, and Luke Johnson. Each will receive $150. Commander Nancy Grandy closed the meeting at 8:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
-Mark Wiesner, Post 23 Historian
Make a Difference Day!
This year Unit 23 American Legion Auxiliary is collecting food/snack items for the community as well as items to donate to Vets.
When: Saturday, Oct 22
Where: Garretson Legion
Time: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
or bring Nov 3 doors open at 5:30
We are collecting Individual microwave meals/ soups, pudding cups, fruits cups, etc. Bags/baskets will be assembled at our monthly meeting and donated to members of our community. We are also collecting coats, hats, mittens, and socks for Vets.
Bring your donations to the Legion on Saturday!
Make a difference in OUR community!