The Henry G. Fix Post 23 meeting opened on Thursday, November 3rd at 8:03 pm. The meeting was opened by Commander Nancy Grandy with a salute to the Colors, POW/MIA observance, the Pledge of Allegiance, and preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Chaplain Tara Hough offered an opening prayer. 24 members were present. Special guest Wini Iverson was at the meeting representing the Lil Sis Program.
The minutes of the previous meeting were presented and approved. The finance and social reports were approved. Bills were approved for payment. Service Officer John Schmidt reported that get well cards were sent to Leo Leslie and Dale Stoltenberg. It was reported that Don Dorsman is back in the hospital.
The membership report was given by Beth Welch. She reported that our 2023 goal number is 209 members. We currently have 26 Paid Up For Life members, and 124 renewals. 18 additional memberships were given during the meeting. That will take us to 168 total which is 80% of goal. Our next goal in December is 75%, so doing well!
Bob Bennett gave the Americanism Report. The Veterans Day program is on November 11th. There will be special seating for Veterans at the 2:15 pm school program. The school will offer lunch with the Veterans again during the week of Veterans Day. The additional flags, poles, and holders have been ordered. Bob discussed the idea of promoting patriotism and ways to get out information on what we do.
Paul Evenson reported that there is no Legislative Report. The reception went great that honored the 8 Post members who were a part of the Midwest Honor Flight. Honor Guard pins were presented to Rob Meyer, Sid Peterson, and Tony Grandy. Our Honor Guard team will be supporting the State Cemetery this month.
Brian Siemonsma gave the baseball report. He has been in discussion with Aaron Christianson about the upcoming year of baseball. The Post is continuing its search for a building maintenance coordinator.
The District 7 fall meeting was held October 22nd. Department Commander Doug Feltman presented his goals and priorities. The District 7 Commander Pat Mullins spoke on membership. Garretson’s resolution on a Nominating Committee passed. Department Vice Commander Courtney Steffen discussed the impacts of the PACT Act and encouraged spouses and Veterans to contact their Veterans Service Officer to see if they fit into newly covered areas.
The Minnehaha County Meeting was held October 25th in Colton. Department Commander Doug Feltman stressed the “Be the One” campaign and it’s importance. The big priority with this campaign is to check in on your fellow Veterans. County Commander Bill Peters spoke on the resolution to mandate VSO’s based on Veteran population. The resolution will go to Pierre for consideration.
Our next Post meeting will be Thursday, December 1st. The meal will happen at 7:00 pm, with the meeting following at 8 pm. Our next Post breakfast will be December 4th with french toast and sausage for a freewill donation. Wini Iverson explained the “Lil Sis Program” and how she had gotten involved. It was originally created to honor Vietnam Veterans. It now honors all Veterans. Wini became involved after five of her classmates were killed in Vietnam. She presented all members present with a token welcoming them home and thanking them for their service.
Our Veterans Day Program will start with a meal served at 6 pm. The program will start at 7 pm. Guest Speaker will be Deputy Secretary Aaron Pollard from the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs. The Commercial Club will host a breakfast at the Legion Post on December 10th. The Post will assist with cooking. There will be a vendor fair on the South side of the building.
Mark Williamson discussed where we store our wheelchairs. Many areas have limited access and it would be beneficial to have an area where they can be accessed without getting additional help. Commander Grandy presented Rob Meyer with his 100% Membership Commanders Pin from 2021.
The monthly raffle drawing for November took place. Winners were: Leah Jones for the $500 bonus drawing. Weekly winners were Laurie Bennett, Rich Kennedy, Judy Sievert, and Mary Ann Swenson, with each receiving $150. Commander Nancy Grandy closed the meeting at 9:16 pm.
-Respectfully submitted,
Mark Wiesner, Post 23 Historian