By Dave Baumeister
County Correspondent
SIOUX FALLS – There were no “fireworks” this year when Minnehaha County Commissioners considered the annual salary increases for the elected department heads at the Tuesday, Nov. 26, meeting.
The pay increase follows the budget plans for a 3% raise that all county employees would see, but the larger 5.5% reflects the bump employees will get with an increase to their years of service, according to Human Resources Director Carey Deaver.
Elected officials don’t automatically receive any step-increment raise, but the commissioners, who set any annual salaries, felt that bump was appropriate.
Salaries were increased for elected department heads at a rate of 7.5% for 2024, and now again 5.5% for 2025.
Both Commissioners Jean Bender and Commission Chairperson Dean Karsky wanted to make it clear that the pay for these officials is not the base salaries, which all people running for these offices should be aware of before they ever run for election.
The elected department heads and their base salaries are the state’s attorney ($130,000), sheriff ($108,680), treasurer ($89,232), auditor ($89,232) and register of deeds ($89,232).
In 2025, their salary increases will put them at these levels: state’s attorney ($186,825), sheriff ($196,194), treasurer ($118,144), auditor ($101,212) and register of deeds ($101,212).
Sheriff Mike Milstead has the most experience with 27 years as the Minnehaha County Sheriff, which is reflected in his higher pay.
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