Memorial Day Service 2021


Memorial Day 2021
Congressman Dusty Johnson was the featured speaker

The Garretson American Legion hosted their annual Memorial Day services on Monday, May 31 at 7 p.m. One of the most striking things was how normal everything was. After more than a year where Legion events were outright canceled on a regular basis for safety, held outdoors with social distancing, or otherwise modified to fall under CDC safety guidelines, a full Memorial Day program held in the usual way was almost a novelty and also a source of comfort for many of those present.

South Dakota Congressman Dusty Johnson gave his remarks with humility and self-deprecating humor. He recounted four conversations he had with four South Dakotans, two who have served with distinction and two young who are going to military academies for training.

“We have a wide variety here,” Johnson said, “two old, two young, two men, two women. Two white, and two people of color. All people vastly different from each other. But they are alike, in all the ways that matter. Patriotism is found in all those who serve. They love something greater than themselves, as did all the men and women we honor today. May God bless those who have served, and may God bless this country.”

Memorial Day 2021

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