Letters to Santa


Ms. Lentz' class

Dear Santa,

            I want for Christmas air pods, a puppy, and a English saddle. I want to move to Iowa, new fidgets, a phone, makeup, and an elf present. I want to see you. Drew

Dear Santa,

            I would want to catch you. I want to see how you really look. From Landen

Dear Santa,

            I want an I phone 6 and air pods and figets.

Dear Santa,

            Thank you for giving me presents. I want a ps4. I want a phone. I want a Lizard. I want a little dog. from Gage

Dear Santa,

            I really want an xbox. and I really want a PS5. and a Air Pods. and a Turtle.

Dear Santa,

            I wont a rainbow charizard. from Noah

Dear Santa,

            Hi! I want to meet you. from Seaton

Dear Santa,

            I want an xbox, an I phone, a ps4, and air pods! I want a kittin, a turtle, a puppy, a fish, and a hamster! from Hudson

Dear Santa,

            May I have a PS5 and see Rudolph? I want more wwe actin figures and a christmas miracle for my mom. I want her to have the best Christmas ever. Gavin

Dear Santa,

            I want a hockey card worth a lot of value. from River

Dear Santa,

            I really want a new room and an xbox this year. I don't want Glen any more. from Haxton

Dear Santa,

            I want air pod's and fidgets and slime and candy and makeup. Dear Santa, I hope you have a merry merry chrismas and new year. Quinn

Dear Santa,

            All I want for Christmas is a tv and markers. also I want a watch and a Fidget. from Summer

Dear Santa,

            I want a ps5 with cold war and with warzone. I want a shiny chazard with a rabar chazard and a lot of pokemon cards. from Colton

Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for People to be healthy and I want a PoPPit. I want Poor PeoPle to have food and money. Brylee

Dear Santa,

            We are going to be in Hawaii for christmas. This is what I really want for Christmas is a small husky and a brown barbie horse. Lastly, I want everyone to have a Merry Christmas!!! from Elsa

Dear Santa,

            Can i please have a shiny Rayauaza and a Merry Christmas please. from Cooper

Ms. Neugebauer's class

Dear Santa,

            I hope you are worm in the north Pole how Do you make the ran deer fly I wish i could see you and the randeer iF you are in the mood Please this CHRIstMas I want a Harry Potter casle. from Kade

Dear Santa,

            merry cHristmAs! how DO you stay worm in the North polle. how much ells bo you have? what bo you and misis clozs bo? I what my rackon (raccoon) to come back. and I what my famliy to be hllffee (healthy). I what a fon (phone). Love, Kendra

Dear Santa,

            What do you do whif the leters do you thiroaway the leter? Santa may I have a tv and a grave Digger woter bodoll and a Grave Digger glasses and Grave Digger sknow movill and an Amungus plushy Love Koda.

Dear Santa,

            how do your reaindeer get there magic? and how cold is it in the north pole? how warm are you at the north pole? and how's miss claws? merry crismas Santa. and I made you a new elf. it's a frog he is relly funny. I want the name to be buddy but my sisters dont want his name to be that. by the way I want clothes for crismas Love, Emma

Dear Santa,

            Hi Santa! how's things going in the north pole? I'll lik to ask some questins! What do you do if you cant read a letter? is there a elf that can read it? How do you make presants? What is it like in the north pole? And i dont know if you can do this but this christmas i want to see my brother and my sister's shoulder to stop poping out. From - Emmy

Dear Santa,

            how is it in the north pole? How did your raindeer get their majeck? How do you mack toys? I had a good year this year. Can I have a hover bord and a tianic submersble modle. Can you fix the two woding tables at the front of my house please? Love, Jayse

Dear Santa,

            Why did you send dubby (Buddy) to are clas is he a elf who like gosse to homes od is he a toy maker? What do you do up in the north Poll do you Brush the ran deer? I wish I had a ran deer. but I want a hores but you bont have to. But what I relly want a MiNi ranger oh and bont forget the hellmet. Love Westen

Dear Santa,

            were Do the elvs sleep? were do you? how do you stay warm In the North Pole? I wachd two chrusmas moves. I like shouting (shooting) guns. and I will try to canvins (convince) my mom anb bab to give you some cookies. anb I won't one more thing and it is a lisrb (lizard). Love, Jacob

Dear Santa,

            Are you worm up in the North Polle! how Do the rander get ther majec! how Do the elvs get ther majec! 1. ples gev me a mwona (Moana) lago set. 2. a form (farm) set Ples. 3. a Esae (Elsa) and a Ana bol (doll) set. 4. a mwona set Ples. 5. a calr vel (color reveal) bols (dolls) set. 6. a Santa. love, Katy

Dear Santa,

            Hi santa I Hope your staing warm up there. I want to ask you some cestchins (questions). How many elfs do you have 10,000? How old are you? DO you have ene other helper the elf? I want a lego friends set. Love, Hannah

Dear Santa,

            what do you and mis clos what do you do? How bo you make canyncas (candy canes)? For cHRiSTMaS I wnat a lagos (legos) and a Hawfbob (Hover board) and a Toy ras car (race car). From Jaxson

Dear Santa,

            What do you like to a do when you have free time? How duss the rander fly? How do you make toys? do you make canndy canss? What is your first stop at Eirth? do you see the Nother lits? do you have pets? doss miss closs make cookes? Santa all I wont for cHriStMas is a huver bord and a citins (kittens) and for my famly to be Helfy. love, Alaina

Dear Santa,

            how are you doing at the north poel? I have a queshtin how do you go all around world in won night? also do you no how roodoff got his red noes? and how do your randeer's get their magic? can I get a sniper Nerf gun for Crhistmas. love, Sutton

Dear Santa,

            haw do the randeer get the maJick and I have a Qeshtin do you have a sPeshol stor and haw do the elfs get thar maJik do you have a stor theat givs the elfs maJik and the randeer my favrit ting (thing) a dawt (about) crismas is the Lits and spending time with my famy and opening prezins I have a Qeshtin am I on the good List and my Litol brotheer and can you get me a barbe Jremhaws (Dreamhouse) and do missis clos bak cookes by Brieanna

Dear Santa,

            How do you decerat for christmas? How do the randere get thaere majick? What do the elfs eat? and want do you eat. do you eat nomll food. like pizze waht want for Christmas is a hvrebord. or a scwihmolo (squishmallow). from Kennedy

Dear Santa,

            WHY bo your ranber like camols? can I Hafe a ps5 pleas or a Xbox X. tv. can I Hafe a Hiboflaske (Hyrdroflask) can I Hafe a football gafs (gift) pleas. can I Hafe a Lamdergeny pleas. can I Hafe a canbe (candies) pleas. can I Hafe nife pleas. can I Hafe a grave DiGGer and gasis (glasses) and grave DiGGer Lagos set pleas. can I Hafe a Dirt bike seDe (shed) pleas. can I Hafe a ran Dear Pleas. can I Hafe a many (money) pleas. can I Hafe a twn toys pleas. can I Hafe a BaBy Pleas. can I Hafe a Dise fram Easten

Dear Santa,

            Please can I have a baby elf but this time don't send it to my Gradma's house Please send him to my house Please. and what I won't for christmas is legos. farming stuff. Nerf guns. gizmo watch. a new forweeler. how do raindeer get there magic. even my dog was being notee im still geting her a present. Love, Garret

Dear Santa,

            ware Do the rander live? wen Do the elfs start wroking? is misis clas rele? Dos RoDolfs nose Rily glow? I want a elf a rele elf. A huvrbord to. LOL pets and LOLS, Ipone 13 pro, glos (glows) puzls 5 or 6 puzls, paska pens, pant (paint). at home watr Botl, tube pant (tub paint) and tube crrans (tub crayons) New hat a fold owt char. Love Madilyn J

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