Letters to Santa


To: Santa

From Daisy, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been good

Something good I did this year was I drid the dishis all by myself. I got my sistr Hatchimals for. Christmas. I gave my mom and dad love notes. If I could give someone a gift, I would give Jovie a playhaws manshin. Something I would like is Hatchimals. My Christmas wish is all the home lis people have home. I was wondering wen is you’r Brthday is. Love Daisy

To: Santa

From Tayiynn, age 7 ½

Dea Santa,

I have been pretty good! Somethig good I did this year was I shovled the Dek for my mom!

If I could give som gifts I would give to Josie LOL and omg dolls!

Something I would like is lol and omg doll and Theglaper

My Christmas wish is I hop my mom is going to have a presents!

I was wondering if you spellbrat Christmas! Love Taylynn

To: Santa

from Nevi, age 7

Dear santa,

I have been good.

Something good I did this year was I was cazy lot it was fun. If I could give someone a gift, I would give my mom a a new bed room. Something I would like is a dog a wenr. Dog

My Christmas wish is a baby boy.

What do you look like?

Love, Genevra

To Santa

From Cooper, age 8 ½

Dear Santa,

I have been good

Something good I did this year was I paly with my dog sumtims. If I could givea someone a gift, I would give my lasgun

Something I would a wel rascar

My Christmas wish is chicin

I was wondering do you ever go on vakashon!

Love Cooper

To: Santa

From Josie, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been good sometime bed L

Some thing good I did this year was… play whith Taylynn and Lydia and Cora. If I could give some a gift, I would give it to Taylynn Lol Doll and omg Doll

Something I would like is glaper and lol Doll and omg Doll.

My Christmas wish is that my famle could get together agen. And evewun had munny$. Do you like ever wun coocky?

Love Josie

To: Santa

From: Aubrie, age 7

Dear Sanat,

I have been really good

Something good I did this year was I help’t my mom If I could give someone a gift I would give, my elf I love If I could Toch her something I would like is a I Phone 11

My Christmas wish is to see you are you ok with that

Love Aubrie

To Santa

From Kail, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been really good

Something good I did this year was I help

If I could give someone a gif, I would give my mom a pool

Something I would like is ac milain

My Christmas wish is I wish a veandoo dolers

I was wondering you have randear

Love Kail

To Santa

From Eryn, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been really good!

Something good I did this year was I help my grandma make special k bars and my mom let me invite 2 friends.

If I could give someone a gift, I would give my sisters toys that shed loved.

Something I would like is a new iPad.

My Christmas wish is for that every buddy whud get a Present.

Ps I was wondering do you like everybute.

Love Eryn

To: Santa

From: Jada, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been good lately

Something good I did this year was I lisend.

If I could give someone a gift, I would give Carson a tractor.

Something I would like is a baby puppy.

My Christmas wish is that my aunt Cassandra’s baby does not come late. When is your birthday?

Love Jada

To Santa

From: Bekett, age 7

Dear Santa

I have been osam

Something good I did this yea was I bid tuck my elf

If I could give someone a gift. I would give a mini car

Something I would like is It for ll.

To: Santa

From Armando, age 8

Dear Santa, I have been gud something good I did this year was…

If I could give someone a gift, I would give.. so my mom cud cum bak

My Christmas wish is my mom to come bac

Love Armando

To Santo

From Lane, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been good some thing good I did this year was win I got my birthday pesit it did wuck but I still licit

If I could give someone a gift I would give Lance a tanosich and for me I wat moore game for my a ex

My Christmas wish is donat toy. Win is my ef coming

Love Lane

To: Santa

From: Malena, age 7 ½

Dear Santa, I have been really good.

Something Good I did this year was I help my Grandma do the washing. If I could give someone a gift… I will my mom a sweter. Something I would like is LOL dolls. My Christmas wish is that on Christmas day we have snow. I was wondering how many evfs do you have.

Love, Malena

To: Santa

Frome: Tenley, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been good

Something good I did this year was I help my mom and dad.

If I could give someone a gift, I would give I would make my mom Happy.

Something I would like is a ipad a watch a American girl dall and American girl dall stuf.

My Christmas wish is that everybody is happy on Christmas day

? do you like every cooke that people make

Love, Tenley S

To Santa

Fram James, age 7 ½

Dear Santa,

I have been good

Something good I did this year was I hellpt miy Dad. If I could someone a gift, I would give Jerry a ifon a 11

I wont a IPod.

I wont a lexa.

My Christmas wish is a dady sistr?

I was wondering wat do yoy luck like

Love James

To: Santa

From: Mason, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been really good.

somthing good I did this year was I helpd my mom.

If I could give someone a gift, I would give my mom a new car. somthing I would like is a tickit to florda.

My cristmas wish is that we don’t have much snow days.

? I was wondering how old is dasher.

Love: Mason

To: Santa

From: Jovie, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been good I now I have yelled at my sister. Something good I did this year was I was kind! I did the dishes all by my slfe! I clend my room! If I could give someone a gift, I would give my Mom to have a spoday!

Something I would like is a alexe!

My Christmas wish is that my mom nad my dad and my sister have a good Christmas!

I was wondering why do you have a red soot!

LOVE Jovie

To Sata

From: Finnlay, age 7 ½

Dear Sata

I have been good

Some thing good I did this year was.. helpt my frend

If I could give some one a gift I would give mine mawse sliprs

Same thing I would like is a rass track

Myi crismis wish is to see you

I was wandring wen is your birthday is

Lave, Finnlay

To Santa

From Becket, age 8

Dear Santo

I have been good and bad

Something good I did this year was be nice

If I could give someone a gift, I would give my mom and dad a break. Something I would like is a switch.

My Christmas wish is my dad to come to Christmas with us. I was wondering why you war a red sout!

To Santa

From: Avery, age 7 ½

Dear Santa,

I have been really good

Something good I did this year was started takeing care of my brothers and sister. Helped my Mom and Dad. I was kind. I helped my teacher.

If I could give someone a gift, I would give everyone something special to them!!!

Something I would like a 006000 dollars!!

My Christmas wish is to fix my Grandma car. I was wondering if you can give my Grandma 500,000 dollars to fix my her car. PS: her name is Marry

Love Avery

To: Santa

From: Izabell, age 7

Dear Santa,

I have been prete good

Something good I did this year was… I bot my Litl sistrarar LOL and I got my bruther a Lagstrip of

If I could give someone a gift, I would give I wud giv Josie a LOL something I would like is PiteboLrs and a LOL slime hachaaLs and I’d canabe arts plisaIPab 500 doLrs. My Christmas wish is my famle is togithr agen navanisL if agen

Can I you did you no Chisism favrit crsmis Love Izabell J

Dear, Santa

Santa wen I get mad I get feereds. Santa I like to wesel. Santa I also like football. What is your faveret sport? How meny elfs do you have? Am I on the good list or bad list? If you wont to call, hear is my parents number 00000000 What I wont for Chrismes is deer lisens, nerf guns, lego sets, beebea gun, football, and a elf on the sellf.

From Caleb

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a great Christmas and a great time.

I will leave some caret’s for the raindeer and some cookie’s for you.

I am in 2nd grade.

I will be 8 on December 5.

How dous rudolf’s nous work?

What dous the North pole look like?

Love: Stella F

I have a list at home.

Dear Santa,

I work hard alote. I love reading. I want a book and a hachamol for Christmas. What is it like in the north pole? I love Christmas. Happy Holidays. Over. What time do you leave on Christmas eve? Is roodolfe real? From Cole

Dear Santa,

Do you hav a puppys?

Foa Krimas I wot a BrBe Deem Haws.

I wis for BrBe Dollsis.

From Grace

Dear Santa

How many elf do you have? What elf do you like best? Dose rodof have a red nose? How old are you? How big is your work shop? Have Ms. Cloos mest you up? Can I have SDSU socks can I have a rasecar that is black. Can I have a dog. From Gabe

Dear Santa,

How mene elvs do you have

Right now. Is it going good up ther. How old are you. It is going good for me. What are you doing up. I want for crismis a plastashon 4 and sum gams GIoe5 and Fortnint. From Kole to Santa

Dear, Santa claus

Do you have a Iphone? Do you have a Telaporter to help get aroud The world? How old are you Dood? Do you Biled ginger bread houses? Santa can I have a Iphone 11 and a Transformer of Octumis prime. From, Mason

Ps am I on the nice list or notye list.

Dear Sanat

Sanat are you 100 years old?

I wot fome Christmas is a legoslet has a mostr truck and the DRaGon 4 movie. Fome Cole L.

Dear Santa

Can you achole fly? Do you have pupies? Do you eat spesile food?

Do you see everething at ones? Dus Mis Close Doow a Jode? Do you make tows with your elfs

Ples can I have a Dire with a loke.

Haw old are you?

Love Cora

Dear Santa

What are the Ranideers favrite cockies? How many years old are you? Do you have puppys? How many elfs do you have? What is your favrite coller? I want for ChRistmAs is a droon.

From: Amelie

Dear, Santa

I been good this year! I rily want a pet hamster for Christmas and a hourse cind of hourse Qurter. I want clows and a swingset and bunkbeds. How old are you? I’m 8 years old.

I want a new iphone 11 for Christmas. I’m in 2nd grade. I want a corgie awssie stufft animal.

Love, Bristol

Dear Santa,

Am I on the good list or bad list? How many elfs do you have? I want a elf. And a nutcracher.

I ben helping my mom and dad.

From: Mariah

Deer Santa

How is Viksen I wander haw the Nine randeer is Viksen eting cande for Christmas

I want the DrAGon4 movie.

From Conner F

Dear Santa,

For Thanksgiving we went to both of my Grandmas. At one of them we played games and set up the tree. My tree is up and has presents onderneth. How old are you. How many elfs do you have. What is your favorit candy. For Christmas I would like legos, bubblegum Amarcin gril doll set, scruff a love, Liffsavers, charelstin chous, CC hats. By the way Christmas is my favorit holowday.

From, Lydia

Dear Santa,

Monk Warlor doll with a helmit

Mohwk WARP-set


Captin America bll

Basslith ger

Ts4 woody tsl

Rex t2 2

Army-MaN. What is It like at the North pool? What dose the Bakeing be for CHRIStmas?

From Kymani

Deer Sante

How mayh efs?

Is roodof rele?

Santa me and my brother try to see you?

How are you?

I wote a enchatd ax Mincraft and. a Mincaft echatd shafl and a Mincaft echatde ssordes and a pixax Mincraft and Lego. A Lego hide see chase and. A eyephne eleven2 from, Leo

Dear Santa this is my Christmas list, Vr. Glasses, (also my elf Charlie I think you know him knows this to) street fighter consoul, fake elf sooo… I think that’s it. Also how many elfts do you have, are there more boys than girls?

From: Grayson

  1. How old are you?

Another PS. Am I on the nice list?

Dear Sata.

I do not want a prsit. My mom is going thrue a lote so I want the bast for her.

Did you ever giet sik if you did wode cirsmis be over?

From Caylea

Dear Santa,

I wonder what Is Mrs Clus real name is? And I also wonder what dose she do? Ok let’s go to my wish list-

-now I’m relley hopeing that I’ll get the latest model of an Iphone and Santa one more qushtion am I on the nughty list? If I am on the nughty list at Liest I have family and friends.

Love Sara R

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