I am recruiting volunteers to conduct mock interviews for the students in my Employability class. The volunteer will play the role of interviewing students and then complete a feedback form. The goal is to help students build confidence and identify areas for improvement to prepare them for future job interviews.
Mock interviews are a fun and engaging way to support our young people and help them prepare for future career success. With just two hours of your time, you can help Garretson High School seniors grow through a hands-on real-world experience.
Mock interviews are scheduled for Tuesday, December 12" from 10:10-11:50. A sample job description and feedback form will be provided. You may use your own questions, or I will provide them upon request. If anyone from your business would be interested in participating, please email me at with your contact information. I welcome any questions and look forward to the opportunity to partner with you.
Thank you for your consideration,
-Darcy McGee, Business Teacher, Garretson School