When Capital Credit Checks come in the mail from Alliance Communications, virtually every year, it is a reminder of how fortunate we are to have this great cooperative serving our communities, town and country. Alliance has been a pillar for our business and we simply could have NEVER grown our business from our family dairy farm without them. The things the school has been able to do with technology would not have been possible. They stepped up during Covid to make sure we could reach every family. The leadership and team from Splitrock Telecom and the transition to Alliance have been tremendous. Their vision to have the latest technology gave us the opportunity to lead in our industry with technology from a dairy farm in rural South Dakota. Give a shout out to these great service driven folks that have made it happen in the past and those that make it happen today! Thank you Alliance Team! We are very fortunate to have a cooperative like no other serving our community.
For our family and our team,
Shannon Nordstrom.