The Henry G. Fix Post 23 meeting opened on Thursday, November 7th at 8:00 pm. The meeting was opened by Commander Jon Schmidt with a salute to the Colors, POW/MIA observance, the Pledge of Allegiance, and Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Chaplain Lampe offered the prayer. 22 members were present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were presented and approved. The finance and social reports were approved. Bills were approved for payment. Rob Meyer highlighted the upcoming Hometown Christmas activities. There will be a Legion breakfast, vendor fair, the Army/Navy game, and Fire Department Chili Cookoff, all at Post 23!
Service Officer Nancy Grandy reported that sympathy cards were sent to Reid and Ruth Christopherson, and to Nathan Christopherson. A get-well card was sent to Lois Wiese. A Get-well card will be sent to Don Wagner. Nancy will check in to see how Doris Nedved is doing.
The membership report was given by Nancy Grandy. She reported that our 2025 goal is 201 members. Our November goal is 65% (131 members). We currently have a total of 144 renewed members (72%) at this point.
Bob Bennett presented information on Veterans sharing meals with students at the school. The Veterans Day program at the school with be on Veterans Day at 2:15 pm. The Post 23 dinner and program will be that evening with social hour at 6 pm and meal at 7 pm.
The Wiese family donated $1300 to the Legion scholarship fund. A $1000 scholarship will be awarded this year in Owen’s name. With current funding and interest rates we will be able to increase future scholarships to $750.
Paul Evenson reported that the Color Guard performed military rites for Army Vietnam Veteran Keith Jones on October 17th. They also gave honors at the Sioux Falls VA hospital on November 2nd. There will be a Legislative Roundup at the Sioux Falls DAV on November 20th. One of the support pieces is Legion support for full GI benefits to National Guard and Reserve service members.
Post Commander Schmidt attended the District 7 fall meeting and presented our donation to the Department Commanders Scouting Camping Scholarship.
Our next Post meeting will be Thursday, December 5th with the meal at 7 pm and meeting at 8 pm. The next Post breakfast will be December 14th for the Hometown Christmas from 9 am to 1 pm with French toast on the menu. The next County meeting will be held at our Post on February 25th. The next District meeting will be held March 30th in Garretson. The Department Mid-Winter Conference will be in Oacoma February 14th through the 16th.
A motion was made and approved to donate the net proceeds of tonight’s meal to the Auxiliary Unit 23 Scholarship Fund. Josh Lampe asked for use of the building for a new K9 Search and Rescue team. A motion passed to support this volunteer organization. Commander Schmidt shared a thank you note from the Dale Schmiesing family.
The monthly raffle drawing took place. There were 5 drawings for November. Winners were: Mark Homandberg, Teresa Kramer, Caleb Frerk, and Kyle Evenson. Each will receive $150! A special $500 drawing took place with Tyler Engebretson as the lucky winner!
Commander Jon Schmidt closed the meeting with the usual ceremony at 8:43 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Wiesner, Post 23 Historian