American Legion Post 23 Commander Jon Schmidt (center right) presented $500 checks to Leah Olson (front center), Garretson Food Pantry; Todd Fink (right), Garretson Fire Department; Aaron Van Beek (left), Midwest Honor Flight; and (below) Gail Nelson, Garretson Community Ambulance. The funds were from the successful breakfast held during Hometown Christmas. //Photos submitted
Legion Report: February 6, 2025
The Henry G. Fix Post 23 meeting opened on Thursday, December 6th at 7:53 pm. The meeting was opened by Commander Jon Schmidt with a salute to the Colors, POW/MIA observance, the Pledge of Allegiance, and Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Chaplain Lampe offered the prayer. 22 members were present.

Special guests were Mary Lane and Leah Olson from the Garretson Food Pantry, Aaron Van Beek from Midwest Honor Flight, Gail Nelson from Garretson Community Ambulance, and Todd Fink from the Garretson Fire Department. Commander Schmidt presented gifts of $500 to each of these organizations. The funds were raised by the Legion during the breakfast that happened with the Garretson Hometown Christmas.
The minutes of the previous meeting were presented and approved. The finance and social reports were approved. Bills were approved for payment. Beth Welch mentioned that the Public Broadcasting Service held a premiere event at the Legion dugout on February 5th.
Service Officer Nancy Grandy reported that Lee Hanson has been in the hospital. A get well card was sent to Lee. Doris Nedved is doing well and is back to living in Garretson!
The membership report has our 2025 goal at 201 members. We currently have a total of 187 renewed members (93%) at this point. Our February goal is 85%. Great job by the membership team!
Bob Bennett gave the Americanism report. Eliza Potter took 2nd place in the District 7 Oratory Contest. Congratulations to Eliza! Danika Juhl, a high school senior has enlisted in the U.S. Army. We now have 4 Garretson students signed up for Boy’s State. A motion passed to pay for their entrance fees and bus fees.
Paul Evenson reported that the American Legion Day at the Legislature was held on January 27th. Paul thanked his breakfast team for all the hard work at the Hometown Breakfast event. The Color Guard took part in Garretson’s Hometown Parade with a trailer float.
Brian Siemonsma recommended continuing to play in the I-29 League as we have done in the past. Brian also discussed the options of playing in either the American Legion or VFW State Tournaments. He is working to schedule a double header game on July 2nd as we did this past year to celebrate Independence Day.
The next Post meeting will be March 6th with the meeting at 7 pm. The annual Post History reading will follow. The next Post breakfast will be April 6th from 9 am to 1 pm and will highlight scrambled eggs and ham! A surprise Easter Bunny will be present for the kids!
The next County meeting will be held at our Post on February 25th. The next District meeting will be held March 30th in Garretson. The Department Mid-Winter Conference will be in Oacoma February 14th through the 16th. David Sorenson brought up what a great program the Midwest Honor Flight has been to our Post members. Many have attended. A motion passed to donate an additional $500 to the Midwest Honor Flight.
Commander Schmidt shared a thank you note from the Garretson Commercial Club for use of our facilities in February for their Puzzle and Pizza event. There was discussion about a new video board for the Commercial Club on Highway 11.
The monthly raffle drawing took place. There were 4 drawings for February. The lucky winners were: Sue Jensen, Bonnie Hanson, Matt Herber, and Eric Johnson. Each will receive $150!
Commander Jon Schmidt closed the meeting with the usual ceremony at 8:57 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Wiesner, Post 23 Historian
The American Legion Auxiliary met on February 6 at 8:00. President, Cheryl, opened the meeting and substitute chaplain, DaNann, led us in prayer. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the Star Spangled Banner.
Roll call indicated that two officers were absent. The secretary’s report was read, approved and placed on file. Kathy then gave the treasurer’s report for January and February and it was approved, and placed on file for audit. Cheryl reported that we are now at 200 for membership which is over goal. She also reported that several cards have been sent as well as 46 Christmas cards in December. Bingo was held on December 11 with 18 residents participating with our volunteers. The secretary read communications which included thank you’s from the V.A. as well as district information.
New items included mention of the unit member of the year coming up. Nominations will be welcomed. Mid-Winter state conference will be in Oacoma on February 14 through 16. Several members will be attending. The judging of the Americanism poems and essays has been completed. Cheryl reported that she and Liz talked to the Garretson high school students and we received four applicants for Girls’ State. The unit scholarship is now posted on line for applicants. Bingo at Palisades HealthCare will be February 12 and volunteers are being contacted.
Our next meeting is March 6 and we will again have our salad potluck. Sunday, march 30, we will host the District 7 Legion meeting here with a social at 11:00, lunch at 12:00 and our auxiliary meeting will be at 1:00 at the school. We will be helping with the food.
Chaplain, DaNann, closed the meeting with prayer. - Ethel Kurtz, Secretary