Both the Garretson School Board and the Garretson City Council have positions open for Election. The Garretson School board elects all its members at large from within the School District’s borders. Petitions can be picked up at the school office. Forms must be returned with signatures by Feb. 23, at 5 p.m. at the school office.
The City of Garretson has three council seats and the mayor’s chair up for grabs as well. A petition for election must be filed for each seat. Final deadline for those petitions is also Feb. 23 by 5 p.m. at the City Hall of Garretson. Petitions for mayor, which is an at large election for anyone who resides within the city limits, require 40 signatures. For Ward 1 councilman, petitions require 14 signatures. For Ward 2 councilman, petitions require 13 signatures. For Ward 3, petitions require 15 signatures.
The ideals of our republic as a representative democracy only work when citizens participate!