Last week Tuesday, a strange sight occurred- running down Main, holding a pack of papers, was Jinx the elf. He had gotten lost on his way back to the North Pole, and had been due back the Friday before! He knew he was going to be in trouble with Santa, because those papers he had- they were the letters from Ms. Lentz's class, letting Santa know what they wanted for Christmas. He stopped into the Gazette's office to ask for directions, and we couldn't resist taking a peek before sending him home with a GPS system. Hopefully, he didn't get lost again!
To Ms. Lentz's second grade, I hope Jinx made it back in time for Santa to get your requests (if you didn't get what you asked for, this may be why!).
To our dear readers, enjoy the requests, and keep the Christmas spirit alive throughout the year. Be joyful, be kind, and most of all, be in community with one another. Happy Holidays!
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