Intercepted letters to Santa


            Santa letters from the Garretson Elementary 2nd grade are a huge hit with readers each year, and we are happy to share them with you before we send them to the North Pole to ensure Santa and his elves can read them! Enjoy! (Please note that all spellings have remained true to what was written.)

graphic of letters with Dear Santa written on the top one and a small jolly old nick in front

Miss Lentz' Class

Dear Santa,

            How do you get around the world in one night? I want a Lego green Mustang. The second thing I want is a pack of eleven Pokemon cards I really want Dragonite V. I want my family to have a Merry Christmas.

            Love, Hudson 7.5

Dear Santa,

            You are nice. You are nice to the children. I want an elf. I like that you always have a smile. Have a good Christmas.

            Love, Hadley

Dear Santa,

            Merry Christmas Santa! I hope you have a happy New Year. Feliz Navidad! Can I have one of you real reindeer please. Can I get a big train that I can sit in and drive arond my house? Good night, Santa Clause HO!HO!HO!

            Love, Gracynn

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Dear Santa,

            Thank you for sending your elf. Next Christmas, can I hav more elves? can I have a new mini-camera? can I meet a real Toxicrook? I want a drone with a camera on the bottom so that I can take a picture of my whole yard. Good bye!

            best Love Matthew

Dear Santa,

            I want a Jack-in-the box for Christmas. Can I have an elf for Christmas? I want a green Power Ranger action figure. Thank you.

            Love, Zane

Dear Santa,

            I hope you bring presents. I hope that you don't skip my house again. I want a Ruddpf stuffy. Can I have a mini-phone? For Christmas, I want LED lights. I want twenty-five candy canes to have with my brother. Bye Santa.

            Love, Vinny

Dear Santa,

            I'd like a four wheeler. I'd like some baby mouse books. I'd like a globe to find different countries. I'd like an alarm clock. I'd like an elf. I'd like my oon cat. Thank you.

            Love, Norah

Dear Santa,

            Thank you for the presints every year. I'd like some of the, "There was an old Lady books." Will you get my mom seeds for growing? Will you get some animal books for my family? Can you get my brother toy cars? Can I have an elf for Christmas please? Please and thank you Santa.

            Love, Rosalea

Dear Santa,

            I want a new Barbie bike. I'd like it to be pink. Can I have Barbie books. Can I have a dirt bike for my brother? Can I have two tricycles and a tee thing toy for my brothers and sister. Can I have candy canes for me and me and my brother. tank you.

            Love, Reese

Dear Santa,

            Can I please have a dirt bike? Can I please get sam plant books? Can I get some apple seeds so I can grow an apple tree? Can you please get me baby dolls for my sister? Thank you

            Love, Rowan

Dear Santa,

            I want gas for my dirt bike. I want three blue candy canes. Can I have an ipad to practice extra math? Can I have a Santa hat please? thank you.

            Love, Alex

Dear Santa,

            I want a telescope for Christmas because I love space! I want Among Us toys and a remote controlled plane! I want a large roll of bubble wrap to pop. I really want Minecraft toys please.

            Love, Conner

Dear Santa,

            I want a watch for Christmas. Do you tell your elves where to hide? How many elves do you have? I want a gift card to target for $26.00. I want Dog Man books and Baby-sitters club books. Who is your favorite elft? I want a gift card to Annies so I can get a Blue Dragon drink. Have a good Christmas!

            Love, Brae

Dear Santa,

            I want a watch for Christmas. Bart is really nice. How many elves do you have? How many Christmas songs are there? How big is your workshop? The stuffed animal chicken you got me last year was really fuzzy! My friends are very nice to me, just so you know. Please get my sister some fun toys too. Have a good Christmas and be safe!

            Love, Olivia

Dear Santa,

            I have been good this year. Do you tell your elves whair to hide? I want a 35$ gift card to fleet farm. I want a indominus rex. I want a mine craft journal and the book, "Diary of a Minecraft Zombie!" 37 squishies. Thank you buy bye 🙂

            Love, Conner J.

Dear Santa,

            Can I please have an albino king cobra? Can I get a bigger fish tan tank for a bichir fish? Can I get really good markers for drawing? What are the coordinates of your village? What's all at the village? That's all. Thanks.

            Love, Harrison

Dear Santa,

            I want a three-wheel scooter- and Poke'mon cards. Please get me a four-wheeler because they are so fun. Thank you for giving us free presents. I want my mom to get a chiefs coffee cup. Good by Santa.

            Love, Austin

Dear Santa,

            Santa can I please get a four-wheeler? Santa please can my sister get Hatchimals. please can my older brother get Hot-Wheels. please get my little brother Baby Shark stuff. Please get my parents rings for each other. Thank you santa.

            Love, Faithlynn

Dear Santa,

            I want math books, unicorn books, owl books, Mowille-ms books, and dog books. I want an electric bike. I want Grinch pajamas. I want a bracelet set. I want a Grinch plushy. I want a tractor for my brother. I want an ornament that has my initals on it. Thank you santa.

            Love, Ellie

Dear Santa,

            Are you telling spackles where to go? For Christmas, I want a fast R boat that is red and Black Drip pants. I want a mini snowmobile I want eveeryone in Garretson to have kindness. For Christmas, Please get Chase newrestling head gear. I love Christmas.

            Love, Grady

Dear Santa,

            Your Elf has been really nice. Why do evles hide? I want a blue mini-four wheeler. I want a circular sled. I want a three-wheeler. I want an elf that has a pet reinbeer. Please, please can I have all of these? Please get my brother a new four wheeler to make him happy because I want him to be happy too. I want my brother to be happy

            Love, Owen I love you Santa

Mrs. Bass' Class

Dear Santa,

            I want a makeup set and a LOL Surprise House and a Squishmallow claw machine. Merry Christmas! I love you and all the elves. thank you for visiting. I hope I am not on the naughty list.

            Love, Madison G.

Dear Santa,

            Can you bring me the games Luigis Mansion, Minecraft, and Mario? If there is room please bring me a gel gun. Thanks for giving me presents last year.

            Love, Wyatt H.

Dear Santa,

            This year I want a eowk village Lego's. ipad with cyan cover, a huge trampoline, big Mtt, watch. Star Wars Lego's

            Love, Lane

Dear Santa,

            How are you doing? I'v bin good this year. For Crismis I want a pet lazr lite and a drone and a Lego train set. Thank you.

            Love, Cosmo Brim

Dear Santa,

            This is my Christmas list. I whant a clorling books and new markers and colored pencills and craonys. sqwooshmellows and a notepad and a fake sanat claws.

            Love, Allison

Dear Santa,

            For Christmas I would like a youth foot ball, computer, tools, handcuffs, and a bike. What cookies do you like?

            Love, Logan B.

Dear Santa,

            How is Missis Clos and Roodoff doing. I want an X boxs and a new baske ball. Ana art and crafs and a hoop for the baske ball. blanket for my Grandma

            Love, your good girl Ava

Dear Santa,

            for christmas I want some make up or some color book pleases and thank you Santa and two more if thats ok I want some sticker and a piggy bank.

            Love, Isabella

Dear Santa,

            I want a ps5 and laser tag and a tech deck with shoes and a ramp and a tech deck bike please.

            Love, Zayden

Dear Santa,

            I want a farming set and nintendo and a xbox.

            Love, Ethan

Dear Santa,

            I wont a x box. and Paine brashes. and a canvases. and lagose. and a new socr boll. a chicin staft anaml. and a woter glas. and a Par of scissors. and Hair clips. and gams.

            Love, Hera

Dear Santa,

            I want a ps5. and a bb Gun. and a watch.

            Love, Chase

Dear Santa,

            this is my christmas list. I want fake jems that look real and markers and colring suplise and a note pad and a whatch/smart whatch and sqwooshmellows and a santa scrit and a jingul bell headband/neckless.

            Love, Ingrid

Dear Santa,

            I want a truck outside please a real one I want a roblex cube. I want a toy truck. bring back on tusday- please I want a mario slot car track I want a science kit Lava Lamp and battel ship. a smart watck telescope a claam power bionic hand drone a power scooter

            Love, Kade to santa

Dear Santa,

            I want for Christmas is a nice big hug thats all for Christmas. and a toy Barbie too. and a blanket too and a rida too that's all for Christmas.

            Love, Emmy to Santa

Dear Santa

            I been good this year and for Christmas I want a baby dog. Please and one more please and then would want a camera that is teal please.

            love Aaliyah

Dear Santa

            I have been really good this year. I would like a football. I would like a Justin Jersey. I would like a 10 foot basketball hoop. thank you.

            Elih D

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