Honoring our fallen heroes (Subscribers)


Memorial Day 2020

It was subdued and somber, with a light drizzle, as the Henry G. Fix Post #23 held a small but respectful ceremony to commemorate Memorial Day at 7 p.m. on May 25, 2020. Because of the global pandemic of the coronavirus many citizens and many at-risk Legion members chose to stay home or in their vehicles and only the traditional outdoor salute was done. Small clusters of Legion and Legion Auxiliary members and their families saluted the honored dead whose blood and bones laid the foundation of our Nation and the freedom we all cherish.

Memorial Day 2020

Honoring those who are serving us now

by Owen Wiese

On Memorial Day each year Henry G. Fix Post #23 memorializes every member from the Garretson area who served in the military during the several wars that the United States has been involved in.  As those military men and women die, their names are added to the rolls of deceased.  Their names are read from those rolls at the Memorial Day Observance in May each year.
This year, 2020, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the Memorial Service Observance did not take place.  In view of that circumstance the thought occurred that the names of men and women who are now in the military could be recognized.  Most of the men and women whose names are presented are members of Henry G. Fix Post #23.

Those who are serving now are as follows:

Lt. Col. Brian Siemonsma                          SD Air National Guard

Chief Master Sergeant Chad Harris           SD Air National Guard

Airman E4 Brennan Harris                         SD Air National Guard

Cpl. Matthew Hulscher                               SD Army National Guard

Pvt. Ben Konechne                                    SD Army National Guard

Sp. E4 Erin Fink                                           SD Army National Guard

Sp. E4 Wyatt Fink                                      SD Army National Guard

Sgt. Michael Meinders                               Minn. Army National Guard

Pvt. Jared Grimes                                     SD Army National Guard

2nd Lt Sam Powell                                     SD Army National Guard

Airman E5 Sean McPadden                       USAF

Airman E5 Meg McPadden                        USAF

Airman E4 John Houg                                USAF

Memorial Day 2020

American Legion Garretson Post 23 update

by Robert Meyer, Post Commander

The next regular scheduled meeting of Post 23 will be held at 7pm on June 4, 2020 at the Legion Dugout. The meeting will be held outdoors weather permitting. Those at most risk should park on the south side of the lawn and remain in their cars if they wish. In the case of inclement weather, we will hold the meeting inside on the large side of the Dugout to ensure social distancing.  There will not be a meal, but drinks will be available inside. Also, we will hold the raffle ticket drawing during this meeting. Therefore, all raffle tickets must be turned in by Monday, June 1st to Beth Welch.

Memorial Day 2020

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