On November 4th, Henry G. Fix Post 23 presented the Midwest Honor Flight Fund a check payable to South Dakota Department Commander Gary Wolkow. Post 23 raised over $15,400 which will send 20 or more Veterans to Washington D.C. for their personal Honor Flight. The next Department of South Dakota American Legion Honor Flight is scheduled to fly in the Fall of 2022.
Commander Grandy was proud of the overwhelming support from the community of Garretson. Individuals and businesses came out and embraced this noble cause making the Garretson Legion #1 in total funds donated. It is a tribute to the people of the Garretson area. Commander Grandy expresses a huge thank you to Garretson for their support.
Commander Grandy also thanked the membership for making the fund raiser an overwhelming success. From working at the fund raiser, to attending and making donations, the support was truly amaz- ing. Family members of Legion members sent checks from as far away as Virginia. The support from the Auxiliary Unit 23 was tremendous.
On Thursday, November 11 the Garretson School District will honor our nation's veterans with a program in the New Gym starting at 2:15 p.m. The program, which will have song and speech by Elementary, Middle School, and High School students, will also coincide with the school's "Lunch with a Veteran" service that is being provided this week. The Henry G. Fix American Legion Post #23 will also be hosting their program at 7 p.m.