The Pipestone County Museum invites the public to join as they stroll down Hiawatha Ave. and beyond in Pipestone to learn the history of the historic buildings along the route. Buildings featured will include Old City Hall, the Pipestone Post Office, the Carnegie Library, First Presbyterian Church, the former St. Paul Episcopal Church (including inside) and the Pipestone County Courthouse. This tour will also provide information on some of the historic homes along the route. The tour will be held Saturday, August 15th beginning at 10:00 a.m. Cost of the tour is $3.00 for adults; children 12 and under are free. Tickets can be purchased at the Pipestone County Museum in advance and until departure the day of the tour. All COVID-19 social distancing guidelines will be followed. Bring your mask.
The Pipestone County Museum is located at 113 S. Hiawatha Avenue in Pipestone, MN. If you have further questions you may call the Museum at (507) 825-2653 or email them at .