Gordon Aaker shares a piece of family and world history


Gordon Aaker had another historical item he wanted to showcase in the Gazette. The following is a letter from his majesty King George the 5th, Monarch of the United Kingdom. King George sent these letters to every American serviceman who joined the allied forces fighting in the first World War. Aaker’s grandfather forwarded his copy of this letter to his mother back home in Garretson, and Gordon discovered the letter recently in the pages of his heirloom family bible. For those who have trouble with cursive it reads: “Soldiers of the United States, the people of the British Isles welcome you on your way to take your stand beside the Armies of many Nations now fighting in the Old World the great battle for human freedom. The Allies will gain new heart and spirit in your company. I wish that I could shake the hand of each one of you and bid you God speed on your mission.”

King George letter

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