On May 27-31, eight Garretson High School students traveled to Girls’ State, a citizenship training program headed by the American Legion.
Girls’ State began in 1937, two years after Boys’ State began, as a way to com- bat the fascist authoritarianism that was spreading over the European continent in the wake of Hitler’s rise to power. The American Legion decided the best way to train young people in America was to practice democracy and train them in citizenship in a several-day event.
There are over 400 girls from all over South Dakota who participate in Girls’ State each year, which is held at USD in Vermillion. Items such as how to write bills, law and procedure classes, and discussions of county and officials’ duties are included in the schedule of events, ensuring participants receive a well-rounded education in how American government and democracy works.
Pictured above are (L to R) Aftyn Heitkamp, Rachel Kindt, Madisen Nordstrom, Nobel Nothstine, Riley Altman, Jayden Clark, Aliah Lymon. (Not pictured Angel Larson)
Photo by Cheryl Lyngen