by Morgan Pierret , GHS Blue Ink and staff reporting
Volleyball has been on a roll. They were 16-3 with just one week left in the regular season.

Two out of the three games the Lady Blue Dragons have lost has been to the Parker Pheasants. The Pheasants (13-7) are currently ranked first in their region. The Pheasants are definitely the girls’ biggest competition, but every set they’ve played against Parker has been close. If standings stay the way they are, the Blue Dragons will not have to play Parker unless both teams advance to state competition.
Volleyball’s post season starts November 3. with the semi-finals on November 5. Teams that advance from there will be in the SoDak 16. The Lady Dragons are currently seeded second in their region, behind Sioux Falls Christian. If they keep this position, they will have a first round bye in the regional tournament.
Last year, the girls made it into the SoDak 16, but unfortunately lost. This year, they are hoping to make it one step further, to state. State this year will be held in Watertown November 19-21.
Kennedy Buckneberg, one of the team’s seniors, said the girls need to work on their defense. She said they need to be smart with ball placement, so it can set up a good rest of the play for the girls. The team is hoping to make it far this year with this strategy.
The girls had a busy schedule this week, with their last three regular season games, which are all played in the Dragons’ Lair in Garretson. They played Sioux Valley on Monday and Colman-Egan on Tuesday, and play Dell Rapids St. Mary on Friday.
In the game against Sioux Valley, the Lady Dragons were victorious, settling the game in three matches with a score of 25-15, 25-20, 25-19. Results for the game against Colman-Egan were unavailable at press time.
Make sure you get out and support these girls, as this is one of the best records Garretson volleyball has had in years.