On Tuesday, the cast and crew of "Big Bad" participated in the Region 2A One-Act competition in Canton.
"Big Bad," a play by Alex Strum, focuses on the courtroom trial of the Big Bad Wolf, played by Oliviyah Thornton. The Fairy Godmother, played by Rebekah Roth, is trying to glean financial payback for the Three Little Pigs (Elizabeth Roth, Anna Ebbing, Madison Waltman), Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother Hood (Gracie Fiegen and Kaitlyn Steinhoff), and the Little Old Shepherd Lady (Camas Johnston, accompanied by "charge" Brooklyn Trudeau, the girl who cried wolf). Presented to the audience by TV reporter Sydney Grimm (Autumn Gaspar, accompanied by cameraperson Claire Crepelle), the courtroom erupts into hijinks as His Honorable Judge, Wise Old Man (Drew Pederson, accompanied by court reporter Jade Bertotti) takes testimony from the aggrieved accusers and their witnesses (Amber Hulscher, Eliza Potter).
Despite being late and professing less than zero interest in this case, Wolf's lawyer, the Evil Stepmother (Morgan Moritz) decides to put some effort into acquitting the accused when Wolf makes a good case for himself.
In the end, the audience gets to decide: should the wolf suffer for his crimes, or was he made to be a criminal by the constant accusations of being a "Bad Guy?"
Garretson's One-Act was moved to Region 2A this year, which put them in competition with Sioux Falls Christian, Canton, Tea Area, West Central, Lennox, and Parker. The top two performances were Sioux Falls Christian and Tea Area, and will move to State competition, which will be held February 3-5 in Rapid City. Drew Peterson, Oliviyah Thornton and Morgan Moritz won outstanding actor awards. Sadly the show will not go on to state.
A community performance of the play will be held this Sunday, January 30, at 3:30 p.m. in the old gym.