Garretson Commercial Club Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 9th, 2019


Present: John Brinkman, Linda Hoefert, Laurie Bennett, Ron Luke, Kris Johnson, Mary and Steve Carlson, Iesley Stone, Carrie Moritz, Tyler Ramsbey, Omar Thornton and Luke Dreckman

Absent: Garrick Moritz, Anna Uhl and Guy Johnson


Secretary Report was approved by John and 2nd by Linda.  All approved

Treasurer Reports was approved by John and 2nd by Laurie.  All approved.


Old Business:


We discussed whether we should add mileage to be part of the Toddler Train rental contract.  The consensus was since the contract already reads “….is to allow the Garretson community to rent….” and “….toddler train is for the enjoyment of our youth at local events and activities…..” that this should cover this concern.


Luke and Carrie are part of the Christmas in the Parks committee.  They met just prior to our meeting today.  The Palisades State Park will host a Christmas campsite the weekend before Home Town Christmas, December 6th, 7th & 8th.  Tyler will do a Podcast with Luke and Carrie, which will help get the word out.  Carrie said they would like to save the individual campsites for individuals first, in the Splitrock Park.  There are 17 campsites with 11 of them having electricity.  This is a fund raiser for the new picnic shelter to be placed just north of the playground.  Individual campsites are $25, the Bath House $1000, which can be shared with other businesses, the playground, entrance and bridge are $250.  The park will open at 5:30-10 pm the weekend of Thanksgiving thru the weekend after Christmas.  Santa will be in the Bath House and they will be handing out paper sacks of peanuts and an apple to the children, like they used to do.  Carrie said they would like to do a tri-fold brochure for this, which she would design.  Steve offered PPI doing the printing for free but we’d be billed for the paper.  We discussed the EDDM in addition to this but was not decided as to what would be done for sure.  Mary mentioned that we have sent copies to the school elementary kids in the past.


Laurie asked if we would be doing any Halloween contests like we have in the past.  Due to lack of interest in past years, we decided not to do this.  There were not any volunteers to organize the Trunk or Treat so that event will not be held this year.  Linda said the Palisade Manor will be hosting Spook Alley again this year Halloween evening.


There were no volunteers for a committee to get the Christmas Lanes going but Anna did send fliers/order forms out with the utility bills the first of this month.  They also purchased some plywood for orders and dropped it by the school.  Sam e-mailed Mary that she has sent an e-mail to all the past vendors but so far no response but Laurie did get an inquiry which she will forward on to Sam.  The Parade of Lights will begin again at 5:30 and line-up will be on 5th Street, the same as last year.  Mary will get in touch with Guy regarding the contract to use the school for the kid’s crafts.  John will talk to Steve L. about being Santa and the school and in the parade again this year.  John was asked to notify Omar, Ron and Steve when he plans to work on lights.  He will see what next week Saturday’s (the 19th of October) weather looks like but the early part of the week works best for Omar and Ron.  Mary said she’d mention Home Town Christmas to Shannon and wondered if he could maybe put in a plug for our event into his Under the Hood show.  Kris will order the 2 – 110’ lengths of garland from the Music Boosters.


Iesley with Performance Press presented three logos for Garretson.  We chose one and she will provide some color choices at our next meeting.


Ron mentioned that we will need more punch cards this year for the Shop Garretson First program.  We thought we used about 2 boxes last year so probably about 1000.  Mary will get Ron the start dates and the certificates for this.


John asked everyone to be thinking of the board positions that will be coming up this year in January (VP, Secretary, Treasurer and 2 board positions).  The Legion has been reserved but the menu hasn’t been decided yet but glazed carrots was one suggestion.  There were no additional ideas for agenda items.  Ron brought up possibly having fireworks and the group thought that might be a good event to celebrate the Main Street completion project.  This will be added to our budget.


Kris said the extra JJ Days Road Race t-shirts will be going to the Treasure Chest.  They agreed to sell them for us there.


M/S to Adjourn:  1st by Mary and 2nd by Laurie


The next monthly Membership Board meeting will be Wednesday, November 13th at The Gulch if Tracy can have us.  (11:30 meal, 12:00 -1:00 meeting)

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