Garretson Commercial Club Meeting Minutes for February & March 2022


Wednesday, March 9th, 2022 The Gulch

            In Attendance: John Brinkman, Luke Dreckman, Mary Ann Carlson, Steve Carlson, Jessica Fueston, Rob Meyer, JD Shape, Ryan Nussbaum, Jordan Doane, Garrick Moritz, Carrie Moritz, & Guy Johnson.

            The March Commercial Club was called to order by Garrick Moritz at noon. The first item of business was approving the reports. Guy Johnson motioned to approve the secretary’s report, Rob 2nd. Secretary’s report passed. No update on Treasurers report this month.

            John Brinkman presented the first item in old business, a sound system update. He and the City employees discussed meeting with a person to get a quote on a wired sound system. Next, Mary Ann presented an option for an open advertisement spot on the toddler train. Because Garbage N More has donated a great deal of time and resources for the Commercial Club, Mary Ann suggested giving them the open advertising spot for the remainder of the year. Luke motioned to approve this, Guy seconded and the motion then carried. Fueston updated the Commercial Club on where the new economic development organization is standing. Most of it is in the hands of the attorney, who is working to form a new 501(c)3 and drafting a resolution.

            In new business, Jesse James Day planning began. The Club discussed using the school for the model trains again, and the car show in the parking lot on Friday night. Ryan Nussbaum was there on behalf of Angela Nussbaum who ran the car show last year and it was a hit. Food vendors were discussed, and other activities such as bean bags and a scavenger hunt were brought up. There was then discussion regarding the Lit Swap Brochures and whether it was in the budget to replenish them, and where the brochures would be restocked. Mary Ann then updated the club on the Highway 11 sign. She is actively searching for a company to get a quote that will better fit the Commercial Club. Membership dues and telephone books were the next update, and Mary Ann confirmed that they are nearly all paid. Garrick thanked Mary Ann for her continued work for the Commercial Club. The final item in new business was the State and City park maps that John is working on. Performance Press is now working on the maps, and John noted that the maps will likely need an update next year.

            With no other business brought to the commercial club, Rob motioned to adjourn and Guy gave a 2nd, the motion passed.

            The next regular meeting will be April 13th at Palisades Oil Company.

Garretson Commercial Club Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

The Sports Cabin

            In Attendance: John Brinkman, Jordan Doane, Jessica Fueston, Carrie Moritz, Megan Rollag, Garrick Moritz, Luke Dreckman, Mary Ann Carlson.

            The February Commercial Club meeting was brought to order by President Garrick Moritz. There were not enough members present to have a quorum, so this meeting was treated as informational.

            In old business, Carrie gave a brief update of the Commercial Club website. Carrie pointed out that most of the site hits come when we have a big event coming up, but it is successful even outside of events. John then gave an update on the sound system. He pointed out that he is working on a quote for a wired sound system, and Jordan Doane is working on a wireless system.

            In new business, Garrick proposed Luke Dreckman as the new board appointment. In an effort to fill the vice president position, Garrick asked Megan if she’d like to be VP. Megan acknowledged that she’d love to fill the position. Because there was not a quorum present, neither of this could be voted on. After the meeting, an email vote was conducted. Luke Dreckman was approved to fill the board position, and Megan Rollag was approved to fill the Vice President position effective immediately. From there, Mary Ann gave a recap of the Highway 11 sign proposals and informed everyone that she was looking into further quotes. Moving onto membership and telephone book dues, most of 2022 memberships have been paid. John then informed the club that he is looking at updating our state and city park maps and is working with Performance Press to put those together. 

            With no other business brought to the commercial club, Garrick declared the meeting adjourned.

            The next regular meeting will be March 9th at The Gulch.

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